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Everything posted by Railer

  1. If they were Mk3s why are they at the back of the train seeing as they are air brakes and need to be next to the loco if the Mk2s have no air pipe through. Did the Huns even have air brakes?
  2. The Alstom DARTs and 2700 DMUs were true turkeys though. Reliability and mechanical problems throughout. 2700s only worked well in pairs and with regular maintenance. They were bad purchases by IE.
  3. You can add half the Mk4 fleet to that with only 2 sets a day seeing any used while the other 6 are left idle after only 6-7 years of use.
  4. The taras are the heaviest trains on the network. A fully laden tara can weigh 940 tons. Liners are limited to around 780 tons by IE. A 201 on a heavy liner can be more economical than an 071 as a 201 can accelerate quicker thus spending less time at higher power notches. 071s can handle the tara as there are not any inclines while it's laden unlike the laden IWT liners that 071s can struggle to haul out of North Wall with wet rails.
  5. It actually looks well in those pics imo. Very UK looking like what is on their Class 158s without the yellow.
  6. Railer

    Sugar Beet Revival

    They could lid the shale wagons like they did for the two shale wagons that were converted into taras.
  7. I see the UIC numbers have been added too.
  8. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    What's still left at North Wall. I know at least 3 were scrapped there a few weeks back.
  9. I'm actually having problems with that seller. Bought a Mk2D over a week ago. No contact of any kind and no indication that they have shipped it either. I have Ebay and Paypal on to them to get my money back.
  10. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    They already have a christmas tree EGV and half a DD set as one too.
  11. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    It's being kept for the time being along with some other Mk3s in North Wall as part of a VSOE deal. Will probably end up for scrap again at some point.
  12. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    Thanks for the info. That explains why I saw 217 in Connolly last week anyway. Odd that they'd send a 201 to Dundalk for that that doesn't work the Enterprise or would normally be on the northern main line. It's not like it was in the area type of thing.
  13. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    Have those Mk3s at time been moved around? Last time I saw pics of Dundalk, the Mk3s were in two rakes and the two EGVs were together. Were some Mk3s moved to Northwall before scrapping began. There was more than 10 there.
  14. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    Reports are that only 1 EGV survived at Dundalk and not 2 as suggested.
  15. Oh I did, best card I ever got.
  16. 2700s are more are less for scrap too. As are the 8200 DARTs.
  17. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    At the time yes it was. It's been a while since any of the withdrawn 141s at Inchicore have been used for shunting. 085 was the works pilot loco for a good while until it was released back into traffic 2 months ago.
  18. There is a 12 digit limit on UIC numbers though. So long as IE cop on and realise that it only needs to be printed once in full and they are free to use the company class numbers after that.
  19. Tricolour, everything will get it. Wait and see what 228 will look like after it's overhaul. I reckon UIC numbers and all.
  20. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    Wasn't 7161 half painted into a version of the new green and silver livery not too long ago. Think it's still lurking around Inchicore somewhere. Still the big question is of an EGV for these mystical survivors.
  21. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    Where is the point in saving the non push pull coaches if there are no EGVs to work them. All the EGVs in Dundalk and North Wall have their gennys removed. At this point it only makes sense to save a small push pull rake of a few 63xx coaches with the DVT and cafe car.
  22. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    Ah no:mad: I thought there was a nice 4 piece push pull set right there for preservation.
  23. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    Yep, that what I heard too. 6301 and 05 are safe at Dundalk and 6105 and 6402 are safe at North Wall. Just hope it turns out that way.
  24. Yeah the 2800s always kept the centre door after the gangways were removed. It was the 2700s that lost the door and got plated over. The 2600s are/were left with their gangways intact.
  25. Railer

    MK3 Scrapping

    What do you mean, they will be hauled to North Wall to be stored with the last DVT and cafe car?
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