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Everything posted by raymurph

  1. raymurph

    IRM brake van?

  2. raymurph

    IRM brake van?

    Any chance IRM are planning on releasing a RTR CIE brake van in the near to medium future ? I could see them doing a nice job with built in lit lamps.
  3. Delighted to add my 3 beets to my mixed goods train(thanks to @leslie10646), looking forward to the flats arrival soon. Many thanks IRM. Apologies for the stand in brake van. PXL_20240610_180314608.TS.mp4
  4. The 0-6-0 475 is lovely, what is it and where did you get it?
  5. Email sent to you Leslie with an order for 2
  6. What would the cost be delivered to rep. of Ireland?
  7. Delighted to get my mk2d's running on the layout! PXL_20240222_185702811.TS.mp4
  8. Yeah that's what I've done too. I need to make about 20 more though! So I'm wondering would a jig hurry things up. Although I have about 4 different point types to make so I would need 4 different jigs so maybe I shouldn't bother going down the road of DIY jigs.
  9. I've made my first hand made point in OO using code 100 rail and it works well. I've quite a few more to make for my layout and would like to obtain a jig for filing and soldering the vee such as @Mayner posted a picture of in his thread here: Or could I maybe make my own jig? Out of a hardwood maybe? Has anyone done this?
  10. Sound
  11. @BosKonay do you know roughly when the new stock of MM mark2d EGV and Buffet car in IR livery will be arriving? I notice another retailer is also running low on their EGV stock and now I'm getting nervous of missing out a second time. This hobby is making me skittish. I may need some Prozac . Or an EGV.
  12. Thanks Mayner for sharing your story, a very interesting modelling career. I also model US outline, in HO. I am currently building my second layout in a 2.5 X 4.3m garden shed. Here's a video 1 year in:
  13. Happy Days! Email notification set.
  14. I would LOVE a few C Class locos. In silver, black with orange roundel , black n tan. Great looking little diesel.
  15. Absolutely
  16. Get some more! I'd buy a egv and a buffet in IR livery if you got them back in stock. No other retailer gives the cash back rewards IRM does so it's slightly cheaper to buy from ye.
  17. Are all the mark 2d's really sold out on IRM website? Seemed to happen overnight.
  18. Thanks Lads, v informative
  19. Thanks Murphaph. What about the composite coach for the 4 car rake instead of the first?
  20. I'm planning on buying 4 of these coaches. Can anyone recommend a good 4 carriage rake? Representative of something slightly prototypical if that is possible for such a short rake. I was thinking of an 5603 EGV behind the loco, followed by a 5404 buffet car, a 5103 1st and a 5203 standard.
  21. Lovely photo. If you gave anyone of those fellas a push they might start.
  22. Again just for my own use but others might find them useful. I've added timelines of CIE coaches and early freight, in the pages below the locos: https://my.visme.co/view/mxkpovpn-cie-timeline If any of the images I've added are inacurrate please do let me know.
  23. Thanks for all the info, much appreciated
  24. Hello All, I have just bought 2 Murphy Models Mk 2A TSO open second coaches from eBay. I'm wondering what other coaches or wagons would have prototypically run with them in a rake? I think park royals, laminates or Craven's were too early to have been used with MK2As? So would they have been added to a rake of Mk2Ds , Mk3s or mk4s or Galway carriages during high demand? Or just run on their own on a branch line. Would they be run with a generator carriage? Thanks in advance. Ray
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