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Everything posted by raymurph

  1. C class would be great but I doubt it. Maybe a steamer?
  2. https://my.visme.co/view/mxkpovpn-cie-timeline I made up a visual timeline of most of the CIE locos, just for my own use. Sharing here in case others find it useful. Thanks again to @jhb171achill for the original information in his spreadsheet.
  3. The story popped in Trains.com from the US: https://www.trains.com/trn/news-reviews/news-wire/hydrogen-fuel-conversion-planned-for-irish-emd-built-locomotive/ Some interesting info on other EMD made exported locos.
  4. I won't make it to the show but would love to buy a few by post please!
  5. I like their price
  6. Fantastic work on the layout Sean, it's looking great already. Keep the updates coming!
  7. I would also take a few, gorgeous looking van.
  8. Very cool
  9. Thanks Mayner. I have heard the switch on seep pm1 motors is not fully reliable, which is a problem. I like your blue point motors, seem nice and reliable but I'm aiming for remote control. I have thought of tortoise but was hoping to avoid the cost. Having said that I might only need a small number of them , just for the 'backwards' power routed points . I suppose I could use micro switches manually connected to the rod of the seep motor to switch the relay. Like the photo you posted for me in answer to a previous question of mine (which I've only now figured out what you meant!)
  10. Hello, I am finally able to begin track laying on my DC layout and I need help wiring the track. I am using ideas developed by Ed Ravenscroft for using points (or turnouts as he calls them) to feed power to tracks and thus cutting down on the number of toggle switches needed to power/isolate blocks. Using a point to power/isolate a block when the power is originating on the common den of the point is easy. However sometimes I will be routing power 'backwards' through a point, that is originating in one of the divergent tracks past the frog. the picture and text I've attached shows what I'm aiming for. Since my electrical skills are very limited I need help choosing components and with the wiring diagram. My vague plan so far is based on the wiring diagram to the right and to use Seep PM1 point motors to move the points. Then use the switch on the PM1 to signal to a gaugemaster GM500 latching relay to connect the 2 tracks at the common end of the turnout to the 2 tracks of either the divergent or mainline tracks past the frog. Would this work?
  11. raymurph

    Customs & VAT

    That explains it.
  12. raymurph

    Customs & VAT

    Has anyone ever ordered something from accuascale.com and had it posted to Ireland? Standard international shipping costs £5.95 so I presume it's with Royal Mail. So maybe there would be similar problems as with royal mail post from Hattons? I'm interested because the cie intercity 4 coach pack is listed at 217 euro, potentially quite a saving.
  13. raymurph

    Customs & VAT

    I've used the DHL option to Cork with hattons twice and it all ran smoothly, one parcel came in less than 48 hours. I just add items to my trunk until the total is over 150.
  14. I'm running on DC myself so being able to pick up the older models(which by all accounts are excellently detailed and reliable runners) at non insane prices would be great . The cool features like stay alive capacitors and built in speaker on my A Classes will most likely never be used. I live in hope.
  15. Just wondering what price do people think secondhand older MM 141s and 181s to go for let's say 6 months after the new batch are released?
  16. Ok great, thanks all.
  17. raymurph


  18. Quick question, hope I'm posting in the right place. I'm planning on flying (ryanair) from Liverpool airport to Cork in a few weeks with OO model trains in my hand luggage. Some are second hand and will be wrapped in bubble wrap not in original boxes. Anyone ever done this? I'm sure it's fine but just had a vision of security taking them off me. Ray
  19. Simply amazing modeling, thanks for sharing.
  20. Very impressive work. Would love to see any more updates.
  21. Great layout, would love to see it at exhibition sometime.
  22. Thanks for the photos Gabhal, they are not for me however.
  23. Am I too late for this Gabhal? Did you take any photos?
  24. Incredible modelling scahalane. Awe inspiring. Thanks for sharing, great to see my local station getting such loving treatment. Would you consider making videos as well, maybe post them to YouTube? Ray
  25. Thanks Mayner. So you throw the micro switch manually to switch frog polarity?
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