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Everything posted by enniscorthyman

  1. Distractions-distractions,I am glad I am not the only one to suffer this.More than likely it happens during a highly crucial stage of painting or gluing something.
  2. When the 001 class locos were withdrawn in bigger numbers,a large and Valuable amount of cooper was stolen from them at the back end of Inchicore Works.It seems radiators were also targeted as well.
  3. Not by me either,but if you had no distractions like wife-kids calling You then maybe so.look forward to seeing yours.
  4. There is a sort of strip supplied but for me it does not work. George got a full brass strip that he had and stuck it on.I hope To find some rain strips at some stage for the roof. Rich,the layout signals are from MSE as far as I know as the layout is a unused part of Gerry Byrnes Ballybeg. I have my own SSM signals and crossing gates to install In time Paul,the kit is very enjoyable to build,but you will have to study your steps you take.i don't know how long it took me as I had To run in and out of the man shed when I got a bit of time. I can't wait to see georges van when finished.
  5. Thanks for that.the only hard part for me with this kit was to source a proper roof.I used some scrap brass plate from the kit along with a section of very thin plasticard that I had. It's not perfect but I am happy with result.
  6. Great shots there bud,and the layout is looking fab.
  7. The layout is a section of Ballybeg that is unused and I Hope to use for photos and add to over time.
  8. Thanks Noel.A scene from rails through the West alright.I had to get this kit as way back in the Late 70s there was van for ages at the north end of Enniscorthy station which got plenty of visits from me and my dad,and I just wished I could travel when moving.
  9. Finally got the 30 ton break van done.I have to say the kit is very enjoyable to build,and well done Des.I used Ral 3009-red oixed from Vinnie Byrne .com as this has proved very handy for me as I dont have a proper air brush system so this works a treat,as the ballast hopper wagons and MIR bogie feralizer wagons got the same. Plenty of superglue left on the body will give a flakey appearance when paint is put on as this will give a somewhat wornout rusty-like areas that appear on the real thing.
  10. Just got my van finished,and will post up more photos in My Workbench.
  11. Great to see you here George-and nice job on the van.
  12. Well worth getting your hands on the West Cork DVDS. I find myself replaying them lots such is the enjoyment.
  13. Lovely weathering alright.It really makes the model.
  14. It's very nice.
  15. Wow that's a fab layout.
  16. I was wondering about the MIR C class as the Catalog shows one alright.The Q kits were very poor indeed.Thanks for the info John.
  17. Good luck with your work.
  18. Yes I got it back a few times only for it disappear again.
  19. The catalog I have has photos of all White metal kits including A and C class which I never saw.I bought a 141 white metal kit way back in 1995 and sold it a few years back.A photo appears on my workbench of it.
  20. I enjoyed that.thanks for posting.such a song and dance To drive the bloody thing.
  21. I sure will Dave.the quality would not be great as it's A photo copy.Bear with me as my sister in law has my Scanner so it will be a few days.
  22. Hi Patrick,and welcome to the site.It is a pity that MIR closed as I had wished to get a collection of cement wagons.I do have a catalog from the mid 1990s if that is any use to you?.
  23. Nice find there Bud.Do you remember back then when the 201s made that noise for a while. The guys in Inchicore called them the spitters,and I know the locos seemed to stop this sound after a few years in service.I dont know what caused this noise?.
  24. Wow just fantastic well done.
  25. I got 5 minutes peace in the man shed tonight and so got more work done on the 30t break van.A very enjoyable kit to make.
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