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Everything posted by ttc0169

  1. Having received attention at the MPD, class 20-20 132 is available for traffic
  2. Good choice,well done to all at IRM, I like the close couplings and interior lights function I will support this venture.
  3. Its a quieter time for the Coke facility in Ballina.
  4. Is that a distant A class headlight I see approaching the Russian frontier,........
  5. Unloading of some used track panels has been taking place this afternoon at the Riverside permanent way depot, Locomotive 074 is being used to shunt the wagons into position for unloading by the machines.
  6. Good idea,the wife would have a fit if she’s sees a large crate of A class locomotives arrive….softly softly will do nicely
  7. Looking forward to the book launch in Maam cross and the personally signed copy from you Jonathan. Hotel booked for this important event
  8. Again that’s your choice,I plan to remap F26 the headlight to a different key but I’m happy to wait until they arrive
  9. That’s entirely your choice,I’m happy to wait until the locomotives arrive to see and hear them in prototypical action…..
  10. Thanks Jonathan.
  11. Why bother with experimenting at this stage when the locomotive are only weeks away,be patient and enjoy the experience when they do arrive.
  12. Class 40 action on Ashburton grove.
  13. The Weedspray train has arrived back into the Lakeview freight yard and we can see the view from one of the CCTV cameras on 3187… Also permission was given to show the interior of 3187 giving the rare view of the water tanks and mixing equipment
  14. Lovely work Noel, A real Co Galway countryside look to the layout, I will have to do an Athenry-Tuam-Claremorris modular layout
  15. See you in 2022….
  16. Some passenger train action and the ammonia train passes through Tara junction.
  17. The class 20 awaits its next duty on the factory sidings head shunt .
  18. Mr Soundguy - great sounds in miniature for DCC Keith provides an excellent service,
  19. The XPO liner is scheduled to begin in the next two weeks.
  20. Definitely on for a visit- sooner rather than later,
  21. It’s a full house at the junction on this bank holiday Monday, A splash of black and orange with a hint of tanker white thrown in as the 08:40 Shelton abbey to Marino point laden ammonia train passes through.
  22. Brilliant work Jason,just the right amount of weathering.
  23. Another new and welcome arrival at the MPD is Class 40-40 012 Aureol. it is seen here in the company of a class 37,50 and two back to back class 43s
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