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Everything posted by wexfordloco10

  1. wexfordloco10


  2. Great show well done to all it was nice to see my old layout N gauge Heathfield running again Well worth an early start from Wexford
  3. Definitely go to this one
  4. poster for St Joseph's Club ex
  5. Wexford MRC have 7 members going to this great show on Sat 27 looking forward to a great day
  6. Well done looking forward to seeing them at the club You will be going to 0 gauge next
  7. I missed the Magazine are these still available I would like to read a copy the exhibition was great and I enjoyed our brief visit well done to all David Wexford MRC
  8. A few of the Wexford lads will be up on Saturday before heading back for own open days on Sunday and Monday good luck with the show David Heath Wexford
  9. Hi Without giving your home address away are you near Dublin or for example Wexford as there 2 Excellent clubs in Dublin and my own in Wexford where the will be plenty of help and advice David Wexford MRC
  10. Brilliant !!!!! well done
  11. Hi is 212 River Slaney still available if so please PM me Thanks David Wexford
  12. Hi All Another year has passed us by and its time to remind you that Wexford Model Railway Club are holding their Annual Exhibition on Sunday 25 OCT and Monday 26 Oct at the CBS School Green Street Wexford further details to follow Hope some of you can make the trip down to the South East on behalf of the club I thank you David Heath WMRC
  13. Brilliant paint work well done the only thought I have is why did they paint such a dark colour in the centre of the original IMHO I think it spoils the livery David Wexford MRC
  14. Hi Still have had no reply from anyone I phoned the number I had but it was the local tourist office and they have had many complaints re contacts with the D&CR I Have emailed Brian maybe he is away any help will gratefully received We last visited the railway as a group in 2007 Many thanks David
  15. Sorry to cut in on this thread but I am trying to arrange a similar trip to Downpatrick from Wexford and have approx 18. Wexford Club Members and friends interested I hope to conclude details for a date in July /Aug and if there are any interested people in the Wexford area please contact me @ dheath@oceanfree.net the more we have the lower the cost would be and please state whether Sat or Sunday May I also ask for some help Who do you contact in Downpatrick I have sent an email and am awaiting a reply Many Many thanks David Heath Wexford MRC
  16. Heavy Rain in Wexford Area will keep a look out for you
  17. Brilliant Layout the Town with the Church on the Back scene looks very much like Ross on Wye Herefordshire UK I am now following this layout with interest great stock !!! David Wexford
  18. Having done a large number of these you can if you wish wire each unit with a separate decoder the only difference is that on the dummy unit ie the one without the motor you would have to reverse the yellow and white wires so that the lights operate correctly white going forward and red to rear
  19. Brilliant looking forward to seeing this excellent layout Well Done Paul David Wexford
  20. May I also wish everyone a merry Christmas and Happy New Year David Wexford
  21. Looking good will you be going DCC or are you staying on DC
  22. Hi all at least 6 of us from Wexford have booked to go on Friday @ 19.98 euro return great value thank you Ryanair looking forward to a great show and meeting some old friends will meet up with MRSI on the day David Wexford MRC
  23. Thank you Gerry for invite enjoyed the visit This Layout must be seen Anyone in the Wexford area 26 /27 Oct please visit the Wexford Model Railway Club Exhibition to see this layout David
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