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Everything posted by wexfordloco10

  1. Hi A group of us from Wexford will be there on Sat and another group on Sunday looking foreward to meeting old friends and a good show David Heath
  2. Hi All I have received information that the class 29 in fact started from Dundalk as a replacement Many thanks David
  3. Hi Thanks for info 207 and 8208 were in Dublin at 11 am 29423 was the unit covering for the Enterprise but I do not know where it originated from Belfast?? or further south 29423 then went on as 1335 to Rosslare Europort David
  4. Hi Can anyone please help me last Wed 7 Aug I travelled to Drogheda on the 11am train from Dublin which was an Enterpise set However whilst waiting the 12.10 return from Drogheda which should have been an Enterprise set was in fact a class 29 A 3xxx CAF Unit no 3005 passed non stop en route to Dublin prior to this What was the reason for this Many thanks David
  5. So sorry to hear of the sad news like Donal I have only known Stephen for the last 5 years but we had great chats together October will not be the same as Stephen loved his Opera trips My deepest sympathies to his family and our thoughts are with them all May he Rest in Peace David Heath WRMC
  6. Many thanks I am enclosing a photo of 088 a poor one but showing numbers on cab David
  7. Hi all Please can someone give me a list of all 071 class in new livery Grey I saw 088 in Portarlington yesterday Many thanks David Wexford
  8. Hi For what it is worth a few Members of Wexford MRC have chosen the Guagemaster Prodigy system it does everything it says on the box I can operate in excess of 7 locos with sound running on all of them without an extra booster using my original one approx. 5 years old David Wexford
  9. I think the admission charge was abolished during the infamous Foot and Mouth outbreak in the UK to try to get the country moving again after all the travel restrictions were imposed this effected most Museums etc I think there would be a major backlash if it were allowed to happen I personaly would not oppose a reasonable admin charge David Wexford
  10. I think this may belong to Tommy Nolan Arklow will try to confirm David Wexford WMRC
  11. May he Rest in Peace David Wexford
  12. Hi All Wexford MRC has lost one of its founder members today Michael Curran passed away in Spain On Behalf of all the members who knew Michael I would like to send on my regards to Breda Ann Gwen and extended family May he rest in peace a true friend David David Heath
  13. Hi Eamonn Looking good may I ask have you fitted a resistor between the blue common return wire and the lights as this is very important You probably have I could not see one I take it that these lights are LED'S David H Wexford
  14. Hi Noel parcel arrived safely great service Many thanks David Wexford
  15. Hi Another view of Sperry unit Wexford David
  16. Hi My videos of the track work relaying can be found on my Filckr pages http://www.flickr photos.com/bluefredie David Wexford
  17. Hi All Many thanks to all who attended the show in Wexford Just a few extra photos David Heath Wrmc
  18. Hope there is some left for Monday David
  19. wexfordloco10

    071 photo

    I know they painted steam locos in Britain during World War 2 a dull black colour for obvious reasons but have we sunk to that Bring back the Black and Silver David Wexford
  20. Hi Seamus will the suprise be a chocolate easter egg or does it tun on wheels look foreward to seeing you all David Heath WRMC
  21. Hi All I Took a photo of 075 at Heuston 11 July 2007 fresh from paint shop but file is too large show this loco had white numbers David Wexford
  22. Hi All Further to comments reguarding converting Lima locos to DCC I have converted over 40 Lima including some with sound and extra lights and all run great on low speed The only thing you have to do is to completely strip the motor bogie and Clean ALL the gears and oil the moving parts lightly I also replace the wiring at the same time it is a straightford job I use some wiring harness with 8 pin Sockets or just wire in Directly I will be at the Wexford Show as I am a Wexford M R C Member please PM me if you have any Questions David Wexford
  23. Hi May be a stupid answer have you by any chance put the decoder in the wrong way round again clutching at straws David Wexford
  24. Hi All Just a short note to let you know I have finally rec my 071 sound decoder from Model Shop Belfast every thing works ok one slight Query can you reduce the brightness of the cablights happy bunny David
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