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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Irish Shell - BP Tankers Best detailed photograph of these Tankers I've come across. Belfast 1964. Photo by Terence Dorrity.
  2. After the AEC Railcars the UTA developed their own version in the form of Railcar No. 6 & 7 which became the forerunners of the MED’s, see Colm Flanagan’s excellent book ‘Diesel Dawn’ which denotes a chapter to their development. Allen Doherty (Worsley Works) agreed to do etches for these Railcars and they arrived this morning. Hope to get started in a couple of months once I've cleared the backlog of 'things to do'.
  3. Looks complicated but impressive Raymond. I'm following this project with great interest.
  4. JH Steve at Railtec did these for me and included ones for a K15 coach. See http://www.railtec-models.com/showitem.php?id=1102
  5. I suspect Andy you will get brass 'sides' for Rail Cars 6 & 7 and use a RTR plastic coaches as donors. In that case one Black Beetle will have no difficulty in pulling a 2 car load.
  6. What a beautiful model! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bassett-Lowke-Irish-O-Gauge-CIE-Maunsell-K1-Woolich-Class-Loco-Tender-Electric-/252060507233?
  7. Thanks Guys, I tried today with just a 2 Car Set but it still labored on any inclines, additional motor on order.
  8. GNR AEC RAILCAR SET I've been working on an AEC Set for quite a few months and today was the first trial run. I used one Black Beetle motor to power this Set but the weight of the brass on the two Railcars was to much for the one motor. It went fine on the flat but on my 'Alpine' layout it struggled badly on the higher levels. I had original built a K15 as an intermediate coach just using brass sides on a standard chassis but as you can see was out of proportion to the Railcars. I am currently building a 'full' size SSM brass K15 but it's weight will only add to the problem. So the only decision is to strip out the non Power Car and add another Black Beetle motor. Such is the trials and tribulations of a not very experienced modeller meaning you learn by your mistakes.
  9. Not an original Andy.
  10. It's a while since I posted anything but I have been building away, mostly brass kits. As some light relief I built some Provincial Wagons I got back at the Bangor Show this year. They are 2 GNR Loco Coal Wagons, took partially no time to do, painting took the longest. I think they are delightful wagons and are portrayed here with an NCC Loco cause I don't have any GNR ones(at the moment).
  11. Thanks for the video, as you said a smooth runner. I suppose a quick guide is the buffer to buffer test and on your pictures the A is higher than the two GM's.
  12. This is a case of keep trying until you get something to work, having to use three different American Loco chassis to get it right showing the tenacious approach you used in this challenge. Well done on getting it to work. Would love to see a video of it in action.
  13. Very interesting topic, giving an inside into the operational working of the railway, thanks for sharing.
  14. Looks good.
  15. You have a great eye for detail Andy and have really captured the Belfast of the 60/70's. Also I like the way you have got the buildings to merge into the back scene. I think you have built more houses than the Housing Executive this year.
  16. I hope to be there Raymond
  17. Some intricate work there Raymond, are you making your own or are these signals kit bought?
  18. Ballast really lifts the layout, like the little touches like the clumps of grass.
  19. Kirley

    121 Class

    Here's an MIR one.
  20. Kirley

    Parting shot

    Just got my copy of this book and would recommend it as a must have. Norman Johnston founder of Colourpoint Books in Newtownards passed away on August 31, 2014. Before his death he decided to write a book around all the photographs of trains and stations he had taken down the years. The book, now published posthumously, draws from his collection of photographs taken on Irish railways between 1964 and 1973, accompanied by extended captions, anecdotes and personal reflections. He dedicated the royalties to the RPSI for the restoration of Locomotive No. 131. It can be got here http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/shop/
  21. Looking good John.
  22. Great photographs Ivor, I would have love to visit Whitehead today but could not make it.
  23. Thanks Andy, I'll check that out.
  24. After the AEC Railcars the UTA developed their own version in the form of Railcar No. 6 & 7 which became the forerunners of the MED’s, see Colm Flanagan’s excellent book ‘Diesel Dawn’ which denotes a chapter to their development. Allen Doherty (Worsley Works) has agreed to do etches for these Railcars but is hampered by the lack of clear photographs which gave the detail he requires, the drawing in existence is quite basic. I’ve had some help in this regard but need photographs showing a side view of the Railcars with the valances still attached because as time went on these were discarded. Any clear photographs would be most appreciated.
  25. Of course you can. Discount on my next order????
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