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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Thanks, any information would be very helpful.
  2. G Scale Rail lorry http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Irish-32mm-gauge-15mm-scale-rail-lorry-Garden-Railway-G-Scale-/321928066624?
  3. There was a mention in the Ballybeg Thread some months ago about the Rank Wagons. A picture showing what I believe to be an Alphagraphix kit of this wagon is in Red. Is this colour correct bearing JB’s many warning on the limited colouring on Irish good vehicles? http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19183&d=1433435414
  4. Excellent work as always
  5. I understood he left the Site, not banned, is this not correct?
  6. Thanks Eoin, you nearly make it look easy.
  7. Some class work already, looking forward to seeing the build progressing.
  8. I thought it was 2 Guys from Bangor who were behind this project, they were at the Dublin show last year.
  9. Absolutely fabulous build David, very well done. Hoping the skills you picked up in this build will transfer to your forthcoming 461 build and in that case it will be worth the long wait.
  10. Excellent post, more please
  11. Kirley

    Sulzer Kit

    If you want to see one in action have a look at Item #917 http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/524-Kirley-junction/page92 The Sulzer is in the video CIE Laminates at 1.37sec in.
  12. A nice collection of Railcars which played such an important role in the 60's.
  13. Hope you are including roofs in your current plans Des.
  14. What a fantastic idea Des but don't forget the most difficult item to model -the roof of course. [i write while working on a Worsley Works kit with a Comet roof cut down the center trying to splice a piece of plasticard down the middle and using isopon to hold it all in place]
  15. Actually it's my daughter many years ago.
  16. A tedious job doing track work which is probably why I never got round to finishing mine. Must put it on the list. The layout continues to improve, keep posting Raymond.
  17. Some very good advice there.
  18. Nice video Noel, I'm sure there will a Laminate or two joining that rake in the near future.
  19. I'm after a drawing of a GNR(I) S Class Locomotive, can anyone help please?
  20. Thanks Richie but is the Laminates roof vent locations I'm after. Thanks Noel for the extra photos. The 2 sets of double roof vents in an open compartment are unusual, I wonder why?
  21. Excellent John, some very interesting reading. Great to see the list of rolling stock. Thanks for posting.
  22. Thanks Noel, could you include a roof shot to see the location of the roof vents, when I built mine I was working from pictures and had to guess the location of some of them. Hopefully Tom had access to roof drawings and his are accurate.
  23. Here is a link to Track underlay and ballasting options: http://s374444733.websitehome.co.uk/c-noise/index.htm
  24. Looks good Noel, any chance of close up pictures please?
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