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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Found your link Stephen; http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/2129-NIR-Plasser-K-355-APT The Tamper on the britanniapacific Site, is it similar to Tampers on this Island?
  2. 1. What PLASSER & THEURER stock do IE & NIR have? 2. What models are available? 3. Are they all HO and do they look out of scale when used along with OO scale? Any guidance would be appreciated.
  3. Superb detailed work
  4. PM Sent
  5. Great news David that the project has advanced to this stage, 2016 release a possibility?
  6. Thanks for that Irish..., it's always good to have a reference as to what paints to use.
  7. A Professional job in every sense of the word.
  8. Again detail brings this layout to life.
  9. Many thanks for the information, the detailing on them makes the difference, well done.
  10. Their Web Site states: "We make all our locos mainly from cast metal, resin, brass, etch and other materials. Some of our tooling is hand done while other bits are done using 3D design. Our locos are spray finished with some lining being done free hand. Our loco's are fitted with 5 pole motors."
  11. Constant innovations on this layout.
  12. I too have ordered one, reading the comments made about this model I feel people have a lot of misconceptions of the work involved to produce something like this for small numbers of customers. I am currently converting a RTR model into an Irish Steam locomotive and have spent 3 weeks and long hours only getting to a stage when I hope I have got the basic outline right. I think we have been spoiled by the price Paddy Murphy can turns out his quality finished models.
  13. What a delightful layout that captures the era perfectly. At a quick glance the rolling stock jumps out at me, especially the Rank wagons, (in Red & Grey livery) and the Horsebox. Could you provide some information on how they were built please?
  14. If the cost was not too high I would take one John
  15. Grabbed an hour away from the workbench to run some trains.
  16. I refer you back to the first post from iarnrod "There is a mention that a second edition dealing with freight and cross border trains might appear in the future." don't give up hope yet!
  17. Yes Noel the first Dapol one is what I used for these Bredin Coaches and searched for the cheapest buy. I've sent you a PM re the construction.
  18. No Stephen the interiors are from this Web Site http://www.lcut.co.uk/index.php?page=pages/manuals&title=Manuals It takes time to paint each individual piece before you put it all together
  19. Completed Antrim Signal Cabin including the interior. Clonmel Signal Cabin. I decided to do the interior of this Bachmann model.
  20. 800 looks well in that setting.
  21. I attended the RPSI Meeting last night and one of the presentations was on Locomotive working in the late sixties. I was intrigued to hear that to prepare coaches for a forthcoming Rugby Special a Jeep was sent from York Road to Gt. Victoria Street some days prior to preheat the coaches, not sure how accountants nowadays would look at this use of resources. Also something that could not happen today, extra coaches were required from CIE and they were brought up one day at a time, tagged onto the back of the ‘Enterprise’ Train. Pictures by Norman Johnston.
  22. Bombardier KE Bus (Jim Poots Kit)
  23. That green really jumps out Noel, Tara Junction is certainly up to date on current happenings on Irish Railways.
  24. The brass kits of the A & C Class I've come across have white metal cast ends, rough by todays standards.
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