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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Layout Maintenance It must be the worst job you have to do on the maintenance of your track, the replacing of springs in your points. As part of my long overdue maintenance programme I checked my Peco points and was really surprised at how many had lost their springs. I know some people say it’s not important but every so often my Loco would either stall or stutter at Points and the tight connection between the stock rails and the moveable rails was missing on some locations. I had replacement springs from Peco (free with a SAE) and I steeled myself to tackle this problem. The first one I did ended in disaster, I broke the points and had to replace them, a good hours work. The next go took a good half an hour before I got the dammed thing in but on reflection I developed a technique on how to do it. After that it ended up a 5 – 10 minute job depending how lucky things went for you. After doing nine I’ve got the hang of it but pity anyone who still has to tackle this problem.
  2. Lots of detailed planning JM and your method of Controlling sounds very interesting. Hoping to see some baseboards soon.
  3. Looking forward to watching this build progress, are you keeping the same name for this layout Noel?
  4. It’s been more than a year since I did any work on Kirley Junction and there were a number of issues I needed to sort out. The main one was the electrics at the stretch were the lines from the Helix enter the main lines. I kept getting a short and parts of the points would go dead. Joe Keenan kindly tore himself away from his duties on the South Dublin MRC layout at the Bangor Show to have a look at my problem. Good advice was given but when I sorted out one issue another would arrive. So I took up part of the offending track, removed a point from the main line and moved it to the branch. So far so good. Rather than putting up pictures of relayed track and points I used the service of the PW team at work last night. It was shutdown with only one of the main lines in service to Galway.
  5. Great to see you have taken the plunge. Once you have the primer on you will see any bits you missed on the sanding process. Be prepared to fill and sand and fill and sand to get a good finish. Good luck on the project.
  6. One of the many shades of Orange and Black.
  7. Caught in it's primer coat, a TPO van on the way to the Paint Shop. It's one of JM Designs excellent brass kits and straight forward to build.
  8. It's amazing what some tree can do to bring the layout to life. Looking forward to seeing in for real next week Raymond if all goes to plan.
  9. Silver Fox A,B, & C Class Kits http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201328546155
  10. Progressing well Eoin.
  11. No matter about the photo quality, the 'Galways' still look the business
  12. Thanks for the shots of the Sulzer in action Eamonn.
  13. Excellent work David, please do a video, would love to see this in action.
  14. Lisburn Belturbet Bleach Green
  15. The build of a Mogul from a Class 4P Fowler was a difficult one and without the help of Colm Flanagan I'm not sure I would have completed it. Some pictures of it in action along with a Jeep on Goods duties.
  16. On my own but I should not be to far away from the Bleach Green layout.
  17. New addition to Kirley Junction. Hope to have a video up over the weekend.
  18. A taster for tomorrow.
  19. I'll be there Saturday
  20. Great job with the front lamps.
  21. A fall back option could be Guildplates. They do an GNR transfer including numbers
  22. Progressing well, keep the pictures coming please.
  23. Looks like the major works are completed Raymond and even at this stage your pictures give a good idea on how its going to be. It must give you a great deal of personal satisfaction to have reached this stage. Hope to see you Saturday.
  24. One is as important as the other, they should complement each other.
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