Layout Maintenance
It must be the worst job you have to do on the maintenance of your track, the replacing of springs in your points. As part of my long overdue maintenance programme I checked my Peco points and was really surprised at how many had lost their springs. I know some people say it’s not important but every so often my Loco would either stall or stutter at Points and the tight connection between the stock rails and the moveable rails was missing on some locations.
I had replacement springs from Peco (free with a SAE) and I steeled myself to tackle this problem. The first one I did ended in disaster, I broke the points and had to replace them, a good hours work.
The next go took a good half an hour before I got the dammed thing in but on reflection I developed a technique on how to do it.
After that it ended up a 5 – 10 minute job depending how lucky things went for you. After doing nine I’ve got the hang of it but pity anyone who still has to tackle this problem.