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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Have a look at the RM Web -Irish Railway Group. Colm Flanagan is building a layout involving Scotland and N. Ireland "The Stranraer Coleraine and Donaghadee Railway" which allows him to use BR as well as local Stock.
  2. Looking forward to seeing your Timber Wagons develop, keep the pictures coming please.
  3. Cut the length of finescale track down the centre and positioned it on the baseboard. I need to get the tracks to stay straight which is not so easy when you only have a single track. Container flat and lorry used to get the clearances right. Used glue to stick the track down and improvised some gauges to keep the track parallel to each other. Once dry I'll pin some of the sleepers to the baseboard to prevent any movement when the 'concrete' is applied.
  4. Thanks Warbonnet & Mayner. John defiantly not Hi Tec anyway.
  5. Started on 'concrete' laying, well using Smooth-It . Like everything new using something for the first time is a learning experience. Sub floor looks a bit ropy. Once it started to dry I ran the plastic leveller alongside the inside rails. This was after two coats of Smooth-It. Today I completed the preparations for the road and the container yard area. Finished off the Loco Shed area and the road to the Container Yard. Completed the Container Crane build and now have to install rails for it to run on. I have a length of Fine Scale rail which will fit the Container Crane wheels better then 00 rail. Thinking of cutting it down the centre and placing a rail along with half sleepers on each side of the Crane before 'concreting' it in. Not sure how it will work out but will have a go over the weekend.
  6. Got this Ratio Crane Kit for my Container Yard. It's reasonably straight forward to build except for the ladder hoops and the railings - always a nightmare for me. Got its initial primer coat before final assembly. There is an extra Ratio kit which provide wheels to the Crane. A bit steep at £5 for what it is.
  7. Thanks to all that have answered my query. Dave, I have a Knightwing Kit and was wondering was it close to anything used in Ireland. Excellent picture Richie, it's given me an idea! Knose: thanks for the link - those are great pictures.
  8. Thanks Richie, I found one at York Road Depot, any further examples are most welcome.
  9. Lovely feel to this layout, keep your progress reports coming please.
  10. Hi Guys, could those of you who have the gift of instant recall of photographs point me in the direction of photographs of any Diesel Refuelling Points please?
  11. Finally finished the backdrop behind Clonmel Station with just a few touch ups to merge any joins to do. Yard Work All track laid, droppers connected and track work tested. Bumper stops fitted, used 3 types, Prose with built in warning light behind the Loco Shed, Peco rail buffers and then Peco with pieces of rail as the buffer stop, trying to copy photo as supplied by Riversuir. Next will be putting down some concreted areas starting with the Loco Shed.
  12. Thanks for the link to the pictures, liked the Beet station (a scaled down Wellington Bridge perhaps). A lot of work went into the loading plant.
  13. All you need now is the passengers to really bring it to life.
  14. Just excellent!
  15. I was really disappointed the 071 as Class Leader was not issued in orange & black livery and now I see your repaint I am more convinced that was the livery it should have been supplied in. Excellent work George as usual.
  16. Like your field gates, they set the scene so well.
  17. Thanks for the Pics M, really disappointed I could not make it this year. Some inspiring work on display.
  18. Thanks Eamonn for the pictures, love the cement works.
  19. You have captured it - it's so good it feels you are looking at pictures of the real thing.
  20. [quote=patrick;38186 I use the Peco bufferstops but replace the buffer beam with a new styrene one to give a more Irish appearance. That looks the part alright
  21. Thanks Ivor for your latest edition and also the link to the Shane McQuillan's article
  22. That's who I ordered with.
  23. Kirley

    Cie truck

    Model Shop, Belfast for the B-T Model & EFE range + Dart Castings for the barrels. I don't think O'Gorman's Motor Works, Clonmel did forklift trucks but I suppose a tractor with a front loader could have been used!
  24. Thanks Kevin, they look really good but I have already ordered the Peco Rail buffers so I'll make do with them. If I need any more I given them a try.
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