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Everything posted by derek

  1. Christ! Shocking stuff, but well told
  2. The model shop of my childhood was a toy shop on Patrick St. in Limerick called "Tots to Teens". It had a basement entirely devoted to model railways. (Hornby and Lima). There was at least two layouts set up, running trains. My mates and I would haunt the place a couple times a week , driving the staff mad, drooling over stuff we could never afford. Pure magic memories- those were the days.
  3. speechless!!!!!
  4. Have to say I agree here. I thought the roof was a tad steep too, but didn't like to say. The making of it ( and indeed the shed itself) is excellent though.
  5. Fantastic pics as usual Patrick- especially number 4, the two lads shooting the breeze in the glow of the loco lights. Pure magic
  6. Nice looking layout too, @DoctorPan. But that is one serious wrinkle in the sky Bridge to the beach is excellent
  7. Fantastic Kevin. Your buildings put everybody else in the ha'penny place. How many clones of you are there? Production rate is off the scale! Your level of detail is simply mindblowing.
  8. Thanks, have to give credit to @fergalm1 here. His bridge on BORRIS was the inspiritation for mine. shur we have to get our ideas somewhere Yeah, from DAS clay. Made a template to get the overall shape and etched out the stones while clay was still "wet". I showed some basic shots of it earlier in the tread. Thanks for the kind comment
  9. Thanks Alan. That is the effect I was after, and a lot of the reason for the position of the bridge Hoping to get a good video of a train appearing around the curve and emerging from under the bridge. Hopefully.........................
  10. Here are some pics of the finished area around the new bridge. And I know the road looks very black. This is because it was raining the day I took pics. Also, because I forgot to sand the road. Its on the list of things to do
  11. Lads I never tried to insult anyone in that original post. All I said was that there are bigger things to worry about than the spacings of buffers a mill or two either way. I also said the models were great either way. So, I could get the hump and storm off and never post again, but I am not gonna do that. No, in fact I am just about to stick some stuff on Dereks Layout , so let's all head over there and have a look
  12. Hi, just wondering why my post on this tread was removed. I was merely trying to point out that, regardless of the buffer spacings, the models themselves were still excellent. I didn't think I was being insulting or abusive to anyone . Just saying that people were getting very excited about very little. Maybe someone could enlighten me. Trying to ask this as pleasantly as I can. Maybe @Warbonnet, @Garfield, @BosKonayor @MOGUL might be able to help. Thanks, Derek
  13. Looking well @Metrovik. Ballasting is a pain ok. I "rusted" my tracks using Woodland Scenics "rusty rail" markers. No need to do any masking off. I found them ok to use, but the tips wore out long before the ink inside the marker. I ended up buying more than I needed just to get more tips. Will probably end up breaking open the markers to get at the ink and using a fine brush to paint on.. Your track is looking smashing .Show us a pic when you take tape off if you get a chance. Looking forward to next months update already
  14. Yeah, I actually cancelled my preordered Park Royals . All the wagons arriving ahead of them was a bit of a pain, given that the Royals were ordered about ten years ago it seems. After I obtained some Cravens it really made my mind up to cancel. In fairness if I hadn't got the Cravens, I would have hung on. And on..............
  15. And you had the nerve to call me a stirrer Denis
  16. Mine arrived today. And got an email to say they were in transit at the same time, but dated yesterday. Go figure that one. Anyway dopey Dan from Fastway left box on the front step, for the whole world to steal. Expect nothing better from that crowd- Wife ordered a dress for a wedding a while back, and the dope from Fastway dropped it in to the blue recycle bin without a word to anyone.. Delighted with the wagons though. Well done IRM
  17. Look who's back. Finally got my dodgy 181 back- now no longer dodgy. (details are set out in "general chat/ MM0174A). I won't repeat them here. Quick question- would the black n tan look better pulling the cravens rather than the A class. I had intended to use the b n t for freight but now I not so sure. And I know I can always swap around but just looking for opinions..... And then a ghost wagon turned up on the layout. Finally got around to making a start on one of @leslie10646 cattle wagons. Been at home for the past week with another bout of the ol' covid so it was a welcome distraction. I put my drops of superglue on the front of an old Woodland Scenics bag and it took the green paint with it as I used it. At least I could definitely tell where the glue was going Roof not fixed, just "snapped" into place
  18. derek


    Ok, so there has finally been a happy end to this saga. Briefly to recap, I received the original loco on 11th of April and it was noisy as hell. Sent it back and got a replacement a couple weeks later . It also sounded like a tractor, so after some arguing with myself, it also went back. Due to me getting stuck in hospital for a week, the courier finally picked up the loco on Monday 10th June and whisked it off to MM repairs. 3 weeks to the day later, it arrived back and it is running as sweet a a nut, so the perseverance was worth it in the end. Could have done without the grief but all's well that ends well. Have to say that Patrick Conboy was great throughout the whole thing. Loco arrived back without a word from Murphy's by email to say it was coming. There was no note to say what work had been carried out, so I am none the wiser. Communication is not a strong point with this outfit
  19. Thanks. Yeah, I knew I had seen that fence somewhere........
  20. Absolutely relishing this project. Mouth watering stuff to be sure. The amount of research you have done is great and the photos are excellent. Keep it coming Dave And you can never make a baseboard too big- just ask Denis @Gabhal Luimnigh
  21. Thanks for the positive comments lads. Really encouraging- keeps a man going
  22. The scene around the bridge is more or less done now. Pillars added to ends of bridge and fencing erected. Fences to be put in on the left side in due course. Also made a start on the station car park. Gave the black road surface a rub of 180 grit paper and it looks a bit better now I think? I know the fences are unlike anything in real life, but I like them so live with it. To paraphrase Brendan Grace in Father Ted "I'm having fun and that's all that matters".
  23. In fairness Dave, Bos did say in two seperate posts that the shipping would begin on Monday 24th. I for one didn.t receive any email to say this had changed. Either way, I can wait. They will get here eventually. They always do.
  24. How many projects do you have on the go now? I'm beginning to lose "track" at this stage..... Still, as long as you are happy, that's what matters. Oh, and will first radius curves work for you?
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