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Everything posted by derek

  1. Yes Kevin, why not go for something nice and simple for a change ha ha. Fantastic to see that amazing cathedral finished. Excellent work!
  2. Until it didn't Yes I've come across a few of those hammer/saw merchants in my time
  3. Ha ha. All credit to your hand skills so, if that is what you achieved with a skil saw and bench grinder. Lovely smell of smoked teak from the grinder I would say
  4. That's a nate bit of cutting on the teak Denis. What did you cut it with? I can cut curves on a bandsaw and then sand on top of a table sander- makes things nice and handy. Hats off to you
  5. derek

    Ken McElhinney RIP

    Very sad to hear this, condolences to his family. Puts things in perspective....
  6. derek

    Spray on glue

    Thanks Denis, yeah I know the PVA dries clear but I am putting the turf over a Noch grass mat( different colour) and not covering it completely. The PVA turns the mat a blackish colour , so unless I cover glue completely with turf the discolouration will show. I am really looking for something a bit more versatile., that won't be visible if I don't cover it. I am after a kind of varied, waste ground effect. OK, I realise that sounds as clear as mud but it's the best explanation I have..............
  7. Hi lads, just have a couple of questions on "spray on glue", never having used it before. I have always used PVA for scenic work, but using coarse turf, PVA is not really practical. So, first of all - is Woodland Scenics Cement the only option available? ( I see Marks Models are currently out of the stuff). Does it come in a sprayer or do I need to buy that separately?. Applying coarse turf, do I need to spray layout first or apply turf first? Does overspray disappear completely /does glue dry clear? And finally, would watered down PVA in a spray bottle do the exact same job? Lots of questions I know but I do like to get my ducks in a row before I commence. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Derek
  8. Oh yeah, first thing I noticed. Looking better, the ol runaround was a bit on the short side ok. I look forward to your monthly updates now. Keep up the good work @Metrovik
  9. Unbelievable work Alan. The detail is amazing
  10. Higher standard? It really can't get much higher Patrick. Very sad to hear of this dismantling, but you have your priorities. Even the people on the platform look a little forlorn , watching the last train go by. Good luck with the move, and all it brings to you and Maureen, Derek
  11. Amazing Kevin, absolutely amazing!
  12. Love the ice cream van. Quite the colourful item
  13. Yes, I would agree about having the effect of a ballast shoulder (ballast- shudder!) and the deadening of sound. I just used strips of 3mm hardboard as underlay(cos I had loads of the stuff) . I know plenty on here won't agree with me , but I fix track and ballast at the same time, using double sided tape. A bit more tedious but is way quieter than ballasting with glue. Go with whatever floats your boat as far as to underlay or not. Your layout is quite short, am I right, so your locos won't be going at any great speed. So the running noise should not really be an issue. (Unless you get a noisy mac noise loco, like I just did. But that's another story)
  14. Well said Hope you enjoy the show
  15. Ok, I have just completed the most enjoyable task of viewing all 71 pages of Tara Junction. (It was 70 when I began ). The thing is absolutely amazing Noel. The amount of stock you have is mindblowing. I read at one point that you had 60 locos on the layout with another 25 in storage! Saying nothing of the countless carriages and freight stock. Quite similar to my 3 locos( or not) I hope you never calculate what this has set you back (or your wife never does) Anyway it is truly a work of beauty, and the videos are brilliantly done. The little touches like people in carriages , lighting , no smoking signs........ it just goes on. Brilliant. And of course all the buses and cranes etc. Keep up the amazing work I like it in case you hadn't guessed
  16. derek


    I emailed the lads at IRM to ask about a possible repair or at least a check on the original to see if anything was wrong with it, instead of a replacement again. At least if I knew that the noise was normal, I would live with it. I just don't want to run a loco that is somehow faulty and make the matter worse. Still waiting on a reply, although it is the long weekend and the lads are only human after all. Will report back when I do get a reply.
  17. derek


    Just had a look at your videos, and to my ears your loco sounds quite like mine ( noisy) . Especially the second video. Think I will take up stamp collecting ha ha.
  18. derek


    Thanks @Signal Post. I can't view your videos on this laptop. ( have to update the app). I will check them on another device later on. It seems strange to me that I would get a replacement with the same fault, but who knows. I agree that I have paid enough for a new locomotive without taking the thing apart myself and compromising the warranty possibly. Won't be going there. And yes, the lads at IRM are a pleasure to deal with. Looks like it's another email to Patrick then........ Sigh.... Your reply has confirmed what I was already thinking, thanks for that and for taking the time to post back. Derek
  19. So that's a word now? I like it
  20. No, don't think so Denis. I actually need the thing cleaned up. Ah I am only ballhopping, Council lads. Shur, my late Dad worked for them........
  21. I suppose there is no word on the Park Royals? Just asking as I don't have one Goddam Irish carriage to my name.......
  22. derek


    Well that is what I said Fran. There was never a question of me getting the same loco back as a replacement. It is just a pity that this one sounds just the same. Lovely model but it sounds like a piece of crap. The one I have from the original run sounds perfect. Dunno what the hell I am supposed to do now. Dave, I ran it in for 60 mins in each direction and it still sounds rough (to say the least) 190sa I got from you a while back is perfect. Totally different animal.
  23. Really need to get the cleaners in
  24. derek


    @DJ Dangerous, it sounds like a tractor no mistake. Very disappointing. @Gabhal LuimnighI wouldn't think it's the same loco back again. The "old" one was picked up by courier Friday afternoon and I got a notification same day to say replacement had been released for shipment. Turned up following Tuesday morning(last week). So the turnaround was too quick. And apart from all that, I am 100% sure the lads at IRM wouldn't try such an underhand tactic in the first place. @ttc0169 I ran the loco in for 60 mins in both directions and this is the result. Bit apprehensive about removing bogies. Is it a big job? Don't want to f**k the loco up entirely. And what type of grease would I use? Thanks Dave, Denis and Noel for the interest
  25. The latest bit of work done on the layout was to replace the old MDF walls around the church, with DAS clay ones. Took quite the while what with doing curved walls and then making, and fixing, capping stones individually. I did some work on the grass and paths as well while I was at it. A wise man once said to me that this is a hobby for maniacs and lunatics. I'm beginning to see what he meant, but I think it was worth the effort. Here's the before and afters anyway........ before: and after:
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