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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. Having fun with the old weathering stick!!
  2. excellent kit John, well done.
  3. Great video, just what I was looking for.
  4. excellent work there Rob, keep them coming.
  5. excellent paint job, well done.
  6. Stage 1 complete and looking good, now on to the fun part...... painting!!!!!!!
  7. scahalane


    Great job ger, love that livery.
  8. Great job Kirley, the bogie side frame look spot on as well. I think I got my lifting rings through the US as well but they were brass etch. I'll have a route round and see if I still have the link.
  9. Top class weathering Anthony.
  10. Looking good Wiggy. The Foyle Side is looking like a giant citadel on that hill!!!
  11. Great shots, saw some of his handy work at the Wexford show last month, hard to believe they're hand painted.
  12. Exactly as Anto says. I used the silverfox ones, take your time and cut away any excess using micro drills, files etc. Keep referring to photos of the real thing. If your using a class 52 or 55 for the donor try to see if there's any bits you can use from it that will add to the Silverfox one. I'll post some close ups of the bogie on my workbench later.
  13. Best of luck with it. If you scribe the panel lines on the roof a bit deeper it helps this model a lot, but take it slowly not to over shoot and scratch the rest of the roof, maybe put a few layers of masking tape either side first as a protection. Also I replaced the lifting rings with etched metal ones, can't remember where I got them, try dart castings.
  14. Coming along nicely, I had to look twice, I thought you nailed that layout to the wall!!
  15. Super stuff.
  16. I find the whole grey area of copyright fascinating. A friend of mine in Denmark was sued successfully for 20K when he photoshoped a woman he photographed into one of his arch vis images which was used for publication. The argument went that since the original photo was taken out of context with out permission it was deemed illegal.....when I think of all the times I've done it myself!!
  17. Great stuff Des, any discount on bulk buys similar to the bubble detailing kit?
  18. Its a mixture of phoenix paints cie golden brown and lining yellow just to knock the dark orange shade back a bit, which on its own can be a bit overpowering I think.
  19. Scary stuff, love Clan Na Gael's anti Halloween poster!! whats that all about!!
  20. Thanks for all the kind comments guys. The bubbles were sprayed with Halfords grey primer as per usual then Phoenix paints ivory and mat black dull. They haven't been weathered yet and not sure of what approach I'll take but I'm leaning towards using salt as a stencil. I saw this done somewhere and it looked good so I'll let you know how I get on. Lads I'm about to start adding lights to my a class using one of Weshty's kits but I'm not sure where or how to start, if anybody has any experience please share, and please explain in a non too technical manner as I've zero knowledge when it comes to wiring. Thanks in advance.
  21. Just been going through his thread, and its fantastic stuff. All you need is time and patience.
  22. My workbench has been a bit neglected of late, due to moving house from Denmark back to Ireland, but now that the dust has settled I can get back into it again. I finished off my Silverfox a class kit with Weshty's extra's as well as my scratch built bulk cement wagons. They're lined up now for some heavy weathering and lighting for the a class.
  23. Great idea, I'll see what I have knocking around in my collection.
  24. Excellent looking shots, love the gantry crane. My only critique is the scale of the beet, perhaps use something like sesame seeds. Keep the shots coming please.
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