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Flying Snail

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Everything posted by Flying Snail

  1. Thanks for updating us. It sounds like there's a lot of work to be done to get over the floods, but am I right that so far most damage appears recoverable (eventually)?
  2. I love your ability to capture the descent into dereliction and retain a sense of the beauty the building would have had in its heyday. Excellent, really excellent.
  3. Very sorry to hear this and hope that nothing has been damaged beyond repair
  4. Just spotted the inside valve gear which will really set off the look. There really is a lot going on here - as Dempsey says: craftsmanship
  5. The greenery you added looks very well indeed
  6. I know what you're at .... trying to transform them bit by bit into Midland 6 wheelers!
  7. Nice job!
  8. I would pay good money to see the reaction to a techno club on an Irish railtour
  9. Two very nice models indeed @GSWR 90 - unfortunately your photo of them posing with 90's Westrail plaque has only served to remind me that this weekend I missed out on the chance to take a peek at the (in)famous image on the back of it that you hinted at earlier in this thread I did get the chance to pick up a 90 badge and a few other bits from the Downpatrick stand though, so its all good
  10. Looks good, but I hope you've little or no sense of taste too if you're planning on using that toothbrush yourself before bed
  11. I got mine from the man himself yesterday - one of each. The look very well indeed, very pleased!
  12. Looking forward to these and I think they won't be limited to OO scale either. I think we'll be seeing the Bulleid - Open Wagons in as IRM's first O scale wagon too before long. After all, with the Accurascale O Scale Rustons announced, it's logical to think an IRM O Scale Ruston can't be far behind either ... and it'll need something to shunt won't it?
  13. Hard to beet that announcement! Accurascale have the 'Powering Britain' series of wagons ... will IRM continue the 'Feeding Ireland' range? What with the beets (and the kegs and Lyons tea containers) now done - Butter vans next?
  14. Ah yeah - you wait around for ages for a bus announcement to show up and then two show up together
  15. can't speak for Rails, but Hattons have made post-Brexit purchasing from the UK relatively hassle-free - I use them all the time (I have given up on Royal Mail for deliveries though)
  16. My condolences to Fred's family and friends, including those on this forum. RIP
  17. Fran said 'it earmarks a whole new range for us that will bring joy to many!' and he called it a 'railway item' ... so it's different and it could be anything, including non-rolling stock - the much anticipated foot bridge or some other scenic item perhaps?
  18. You're just toying with us now Fran ... it's not a set of mark 3's anyway judging by how dark the photo is, but beyond that I'm stumped
  19. Wow - two big projects on the go at the same time, and progress on both looking so good. I'm intrigued to see how the wall in the foreground works out - its an interesting idea!!
  20. NIce job - very impressive!!!
  21. Yes, looks like it: https://www.irishrail.ie/en-ie/news/irishrail-engineering-works
  22. Normally, if driving I'd avoid the Port Tunnel - it can be very expensive if you arrive at peak time. That being said, off-peak and on public holidays its a more reasonable €3. However, you'll have to pay a second toll to cross the East Link bridge (€1.90) when driving to Blackrock. Another option is to take the M50 south to Junction 14 (Leopardstown) and head across to Blackrock via the N31. You'll still have to pay a toll on the M50 (but its less than the other two combined and you can pay this online). The M50 can be busy during rush hour, but at weekends/holidays its generally fine. If you want to park on the north side and go by DART (check its schedule first to ensure there's no engineering works), then the DART station in Portmarknock has park and ride. There's some parking in Malahide too, but I don't know how many spaces there are there. Other stations have parking too so someone else may have other suggestions.
  23. The was some speculation over on the Accurascale forum on RM Web as to whether we'll see an Irish version of the Ruston 88DS and one of the members over there said he was speaking to Accurascale at GETS over the weekend and the body of the Irish version is wider, not just the chassis. Is this the case does any one know?
  24. tick, tock ....
  25. Thats some set up! Have to say, I love the Jigger!
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