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Flying Snail

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Everything posted by Flying Snail

  1. They say its good for the sole
  2. Very nice pictures, and a timely reminder that the cold weather isn't all bad ... but come here, given your location did you ever think of changing your name from spudfan to Fear Sneachta?!!
  3. Slieve Snacht is living up to its name today so Nice view you have there Spudfan
  4. Funnily enough - this Christmas project from Steve's Trains popped up in my YouTube feed today. I think its the same set?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4F5Tv0qNHw&t=32s (Lego not included)
  5. Ballina, Westport, Galway, Limerick, Tralee, Cork and Waterford intercity services, as well as the Portlaoise suburban services all use that line into Heuston. I'm still not sure there's spare capacity even if they reopened Mullingar to Athlone and moved the Connacht traffic back to its 'spiritual home'. It would make for slower journey times west and introduce congestion for the suburban services east of Maynooth on the Sligo line. I expect it would probably require major additional works too - and not just on the stretch between Mullingar and Athlone. Don't get me wrong: I think there should be a station in Ballyfermot by the way, and I agree it probably should have been done years ago. I just don't think that it's that straightforward as things currently stand. I'm hopeful that DART+ will bring major improvements and I'm pleased to see DoctorPan's confirmation that a Kylemore Station is in the pipeline.
  6. I'd imagine that route is at capacity until it can be four-tracked from Park West into Heuston. Although even then, the DART South West plans don't say anything about a Ballyfermot station that I can see
  7. Well theres significant development ongoing in the centre of the image above, so it looks to me that this could be a (rare) case of homes and supporting infrastructure being built together.
  8. ... first class modelling!
  9. I think I see a sliver of green when looking through the doors on the left of the Hattons B&T van ... perhaps that's another of them?
  10. Well Patrick, you certainly flushed out all the wee toilet jokers floating around the IRM forums!
  11. Some NCC and UTA rolling stock is there in kit form, but don't forget the RPSI has a wide range of carriages. RTR rolling stock for No 4 includes RPSI Cravens and Mark 2s. It has also hauled their Park Royals.
  12. Very poignant (... and insightful context for the viewer)
  13. Thats a very decent run (and more than I thought possible) - looking forward to seeing the project developing to its full potential! I've no doubt but that you'll get there!
  14. Thats a separate issue @irishmail - I'm talking about the VAT DPD charge for DPD's own Customs Brokerage Service (and I believe @Georgeconna is too). EDIT: I've edited my previous post just now to make this a little clearer. Apologies for any confusion
  15. Great work going on out there - how far from the station are you hoping to get the line to?
  16. Have you contacted DPD for an explanation of the €1.15 VAT on their custom's brokerage service? Coincidently I had a parcel from Hattons delivered by DPD last week. I was charged the same €1.15 VAT by DPD for DPD's own customs brokerage service - I've just raised a query on the VAT for the customs brokerage service this morning, so we'll see. It's not much, but every little helps as Tesco says
  17. I have one of those at home too, but she's grand once you buy her flowers and take her to dinner every so often
  18. Lots of detail there Tony - really has the Shorty Train vibe!
  19. Humbug, everybody knows you deck the Halls, not the Manors!
  20. Due to space constraints at home, I find modular railway concepts very interesting - I'll be following along this build with interest. Given how fast you produce rolling stock, I expect that you'll probably have this done by the end of the weekend????
  21. The more the merrier! I do think it would kick interest in the pre-CIE eras up a gear. Exciting times
  22. Perhaps. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long to find out
  23. Agree that its going to be a preserved loco - I reckon it's likely to be a Jeep.
  24. I'd be interested in GSR ... and GSWR
  25. Thanks for clarifying that @GSWR 90, and I wish all involved in the railway the very best as you work through this. Obviously you'll need more than best wishes and I see there's a link for donations on the railway's website. I've made a small donation and others on here may wish to do so too: https://www.downrail.co.uk/donatemenu/general/
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