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Flying Snail

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Everything posted by Flying Snail

  1. This layout will be missed here. Hopefully, we'll see more trains running through the south east in the future. But family comes first (as it always should) and I hope the move goes well for you and yours.
  2. @Jack_Dunboyne is doing FREMO. He models Polish outline, and has been trying to raise it's profile with Irish modellers https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/9072-fremo-modular-layout-polish-rail-pkp/ Modular railways are not really big here tough. There is some T-Trak in N scale that you can find in the forums here too
  3. In addition to IRM's own shop, there are a few other Irish retailers which will often have items still in stock after IRM sell out: Mark's Models are the biggest: https://www.marksmodels.com/?cid=51 Another is Modeller's Corner, based in Northern Ireland: https://modellerscorner.co.uk/cat/model-railway/ The UK retailers also carry Irish stock. Rails of Sheffield's website will also carry pre-owned Irish models. Looks like you just missed out on some Mk 3's amongst a lot of pre-owned Irish stock that Clark Railworks recently got in https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/16106-big-load-of-irish-stock-listed-at-clark-railworks/#comment-235160
  4. 2601/02 really does look well in @thewanderer's photos. Its a great livery - brings back teenage memories, so maybe I'm biased
  5. Looks great and a really good description of how to do the project - thanks for including details of all the additional parts and paint codes etc.
  6. I forgot to say - they other thing that made me think of Jool's layout is that he has combined different locations too - London/UK and continental Europe!
  7. Wow - there's a lot to it, and it will definitely keep you busy for a while. Trying to cater for so many different eras is a challenge not many of us are willing to take on - so it will be interesting to see how this goes. When trying to get my head around what you're trying to do, my mind kept coming back to Jools Holland's layout which is a smorgasbord of different elements from different eras - each prototypical by itself, and meaningful to him in some different way. As a result he can create vignettes from different times and eras - you'll see Victorian steam, 60s diesel, Eurostar etc. https://www.trains.com/mrr/how-to/model-train-layouts/jools-holland-and-his-railway-empire/ You're taking a different path, of course, and trying to create more coherent scenes but the ultimate aim - to create a space where you can run what you like and evoke multiple eras - appears rather similar to me. Good luck with this project.
  8. Nice collection ... great to see and (hear) the A's flocking to Clogherhead as well as the 121 swooping in at the end
  9. Alphagraphix carry a line of 7mm brass MGWR carriage kits (locos too), but obviously they wouldn't suit Gabhal here as he needs 4mm*. However, they also do card kits of MGWR carriages, and some on here have used their card kits to great effect as templates for plasticard builds ... these could be rescaled for 4mm https://alphagraphixkits.co.uk/449045255 Edit: * I'm assuming you're planning on OO/4mm but maybe 7mm is an option
  10. Keep us informed on how you get on! There'll be a few wannabe kit builders (myself included) watching on with interest. Looking at the SSM webpage: I would think, given the MGWR connection, and it being your first venture into loco kits that the little E class would be a good choice. I'm not sure if they worked Kilfree Junction but they'd be honouring the Midland anyhow. Other than that, there's also the J15 from SSM. They probably passed through Kilfree Junction - sure they went everywhere on the GSR
  11. Sam's my go-to for locomotive reviews (him and EuviRail). He's through and he's seen so many at this stage he has a very good eye for quality (detailing, build, and performance). He also doesn't hold back on criticism either. Also, as @Galteemore has said his 3D stuff is very impressive. Other stuff he does can sometimes be a bit left-field, but he enjoys messing around with trains and there's room for every one in the hobby. The carpet doesn't bother me either. My only gripe is that he doesn't always have a whole lot to say about the prototype (often just relying on the info that came with the model) - but that's okay: I'm buying a model not the real thing. If I want to know more about the prototype, I'll get a book. Back to the Black 5: I've a few LMS bits but this model won't be on my shopping list (and that's thanks to Sam's reviews - both of them)
  12. I meant 'they're the bomb' not that 'they'll bomb'. Don't worry @leslie10646, I hopped on board and ordered a few packs of the flying snails and broken wheels faster than Slim Pickens jumped on that H bomb in Dr. Strangelove
  13. Looks very well - really sets it off nicely
  14. Very nice indeed! Some of the lads on here who enjoy punning might even call them the bomb! But I'm not going to jump on that wagon* .... (sorry, I'll get my coat and show myself out) * edit: the punning band wagon that is, I'm definitely jumping aboard the H Van wagon
  15. You need to watch the bills with seagulls - don't try to wing it or you'll get in a flap!
  16. I think @jhb171achill is using reverse psychology here ... and trying to push you into building him a WCIR 4-wheeler to remind him that they existed. He probably told Eoin Murray there was no way he could produce an authentic rake of 6 wheelers in 1950s condition - probably said it was impossible to weather a brake third so convincingly that folks wouldn't be able to tell if it was still in traffic or on the scrap line.... Eoin's 6 wheeler rake is stunning, it'll fit in perfectly in Dugort: Looking forward to the pictures and tales from Dugort that they'll be a part of. And I for one, would love a WCIR four-wheeler - just sayin' Thanks for the update. Looking forward to these too - I think they'll help to build interest in the 40s - 60s period. Would have loved to see them in GSR and GWSR liveries too.
  17. Oooh, exciting .... unpowered I take it, or dare we hope for the long anticipated Irish Steam announcement??? Edit: I expect it'll be another of the super little bulleids, given the title of this thread .. but hey, you never know!
  18. Welcome on board James! You've definitely after falling in with the right crowd here if nostalgia is your thing! I have your book on Small Layout Design (really enjoyed it, and keep returning to it). I'm looking forward to seeing how this project develops
  19. Simply stunning - its a great livery, great to see it back!
  20. Goods traffic is about to increase significantly at Dugort, it might escape Todd Andrews axe yet! This is a nice wagon, I'll definitely pick up a pack
  21. Big anniversary for CIE coming up on 1 Jan 2025 .. would be a nice way to acknowledge it
  22. nice ... but whats this 'ish' bit? ... does that mean we get flag logo instead of the 3-pin plug?
  23. The original and best livery! Do some of them still have their front gangways? If so, I hope its applied to some of those for the real authentic look! It feels like yesterday when they first came out ....
  24. Nice .. 154 was one of my three Babies today!
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