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Everything posted by Metrovik

  1. Saw that before too, not sure whether or not the thing actually existed as like you said, info on it is like hens teeth. Now that's interesting!
  2. I could be wrong but last time I checked, Kilkenny still has a few of these signs.
  3. Any ideas of somewhat simple oo gauge RTR stock that makes a reasonable conversion to AEC railcars?
  4. Oh my god, it was August when I last posted a "monthly" progress report..... While it has been a very long time, being snowed in has allowed me to make some very decent progress. Firstly the plan has changed somewhat. The layout is now set firmly on the Waterford and tramore railway and despite looking nothing like either of the stations is a rough (emphasis on rough) representation of a scaled down Tramore station. (New layout name: Trá beag?) To reflect Tramore station a bit more accurately, I got rid of that ugly flat roof and added a second storey. The real world ain't flat so similarly to the actual station I'll be adding grass behind the platform and beside the running line. Does anyone know can you apply static grass directly to a wooden baseboard? And finally I have managed to assemble a somewhat prototypicalish W&T passenger train. Let's hope next month comes a bit sooner eh?
  5. Sounds great! Look forward to seeing progress and with snow falling heavily ten minutes away from you, I'd say you'll have plenty of time!
  6. Bring it on!
  7. This guy has gotten further than me on a layout in the space of 3 hours! Looks nice though.....
  8. Just thinking of the stock running on it is amazing!
  9. Still no email about shipping yet, I'll have to give them a ring again if I don't hear from them today....
  10. Just hoping for something southern, otherwise I'll have to run an excursion train!
  11. Spoke to rails on Friday by phone and the nice gentleman said they're just completely overwhelmed but are trying their best to get to them. I'd be surprised if we don't get shipping emails this week.
  12. Invoice paid, Awaiting with excitement!
  13. Oh for gods sake! How many references are you up to now 10,12?
  14. Not yet received an invoice, hope I'm not alone....
  15. Nice to see someone else with some corrugated roofing! Now that I think about that's a very specific compliment... Great work though.
  16. Competitive tram driving...
  17. Just as stunning as the last time my jaw dropped looking at your work Alan!
  18. Mother of god.....
  19. I used this stuff, https://www.marksmodels.com/?pid=46076 purely because it seemed a lot less confusing than All the different types of woodland scenics water and most importantly because it was right beside the ballast glue on the shelf.
  20. A little late but a nice big update. Ballasting is finally complete after a month long hiatus due to a lack of glue. Finally. I also added a water feature, a nice little pond. Slight leakage occured with the water but not bad for a first attempt! Cattle and sugar beet loading dock began (compliments of the local farmer) crying out for paint and plants though. In case you can't tell, I'm very proud of this pond! See you next month......
  21. A33 was A3 edited in Photoshop?
  22. Old jewellery?
  23. Sorry lads, didn't get the chance to reply yesterday. Thanks for all the info. Looks like it wasn't always so sleepy at Ballybrophy! Progress or not they've really taken the charm out of the place!
  24. Having recently seen the remains of a Turntable upon leaving the sleepy Ballybrophy, It occurred to me I've no idea what stock would've ever run on the line bar the current DMUs and the GM diesels of not so long ago bar I'm guessing a C class but I've still no real idea of the actual passenger stock. This is mostly helped by my inability to find any photographs of the station bar the odd few in Ernie's archive. So anyone with any information on this sleepy little overlooked line is much appreciated.
  25. The Camerawork in the donegal photos is brilliant, especially considering it was shot on film with no such thing as auto-focus and captures a moving subject. It really shows just how much the landscape has changed.
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