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Everything posted by djkonore

  1. I'm about to try painting the white stripes on a few coaches I'm re-spraying.
  2. I'm working on these right now and I'll put up the pics of the progress and the finished products on my workbench thread, when they're done.
  3. Great stuff Dave, I'm looking forward to the next installment.
  4. Top class
  5. Might be worth taking a look at the "Close Coupling" thread in the Q&A section, if thats something they might also be interested in.
  6. I don't think the difference is in the cab roof height. Looking at both videos, it's more likely the one loco has a higher hood than the other. There would'nt really be any benefit to making a cab with different roof heights I reckon. Look at the front of the hood and the distance between the top of the hood and where it joins the front skirt on both loco's.
  7. =))=)) They won't see ye, but they'll here ye!
  8. Brilliant Dave, keep it coming please. Will this be like a catalogue of stuff available for purchase:p? I'll be looking for some coaches from you in the future. This will surely help me figure out what I'm looking for! Also would be interested in original and current estimated values of featured stock where possible (just for curiosity purposes) I know a lot of it is your own private collection. Fascinating to see what is and was available though.
  9. Here's another one (closer to the CIE version) This time without a driver! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0zh0xAhANo
  10. I knew a lad who put a set on his DAF truck. When he put them on, so much power went through the electric system, it melted the switch in the on position! He had to jump under the cab and pull the wires off the horns in a panic, while the whole time the horns were blaring!!! So, make sure you have a proper solenoid fitted!
  11. Looks great. You could try one of these http://www.tcsdcc.com/public_html/Customer_Content/Products/Keep-Alive/Keep-Alive.php to stop the flickering.
  12. Great pics Anto. Why do a lot of the older buses have an extra lamp on the front to the left side?
  13. [video=youtube;6X-smrTKK54]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X-smrTKK54&feature=endscreen&NR=1
  14. All this talk of foot-bridges reminds me of the foot-bridge next to the pedestrian crossing in Portlaoise!
  15. Gareth told me a few months ago that he's going to be selling these. Not sure if he's just selling the sound chip or the finished product installed.
  16. It's not too often you see a pic of a big girl like that with her top off!
  17. I love 151 pullin the dart
  18. There's one on e-bay right now! Check the e-bay watch thread.
  19. Thanks lads, I'm working on some more stuff, I'll put them up as soon as they're finished.
  20. For me, 90% of the fun of this hobby is all the mental planning :) It's one of the best way to legally escape from reality
  21. Lovely hurlin' just let me know what I owe ye
  22. Welcome Joe, there's a lot of experienced helpful members here. As they've said just ask. I found it's best to avoid nailing or glueing down your track for a while, as this allows you to move things around a bit and find what works best for you, as you increase your rolling stock etc. Most layouts fall under point A to B linear type, or circular type layouts. As said before, a lot depends on your available space. Flexi-track allows for smoother (less sharp), more realistic curves, but involves cutting the track to length which is a little bit more work. Long coaches don't look very realistic on tight turns, as they can overhang the track and even uncouple or de-rail in some circumstances (at least on OO gauge track anyway).
  23. Thats a dead ringer for it alright. Alas, I'll have to make do with what I have and jerry-rig the ladders on the side
  24. Don't you mean "Bulfawst byrn in bryde hy"
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