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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. And then there was this http://www.provincialwagons.com. Absolutely brilliant. Stephen
  2. Interesting what's going on here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78nxr5VN6LQ. People may not like it but it is the obvious thing to do in these cash strapped days. Stephen
  3. Or these and Stephen
  4. The joy of youtube is the little gems that you come across every now and then like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC4cKgeAUUo. Stephen
  5. In 1846 an Act of Parliament set up the Cork & Waterford Railway to run via Youghal, Dungarvan and Tramore. In the end it failed although bits were built, Cotk to Youghal and Waterford to Tramore. It would, indeed, have been a very scenic line. Modelling opportunities are many and varied. Stephen
  6. I've got a couple of photos of trains arriving at Manulla Junction from Westport, one by HC Casserley, dated 20 April 1955, and the other by Lawrence Marshall, which is undated, but shows the track at this end of the station as chaired. Anyone care to put an approximate date on this, please? Stephen
  7. Despite being wholely inaccurate, it does look quite good in the black and tan livery. The body has been stretched to fit on the Hornby Mk1 chassis - shortening it by one compartment would help. Stephen
  8. Or the fourth coach, depending on the direction the train is travelling! Stephen
  9. JHB, does this help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPtPbkXB4No? The second Cravens has the original broad band (6") above the windows and the second narrower band (3") below the windows. It adds just a little variety. Stephen
  10. Couldn't agree more, David. Stephen
  11. JHB I bow to your superior knowledge. Incidentally, there was a variant carried by some Cravens of a white line added at waist level with the original, thicker white line above the windows. Stephen
  12. Hi I think we'll find that at least one Park Royal received tippex livery http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/96992-park-royal-coaches/ Stephen
  13. I would imagine that the initial intention would be to run fewer, but longer, trains to reduce running costs in order to make rail freight more attractive economically. If that proves successful, then is the time to worry about enough wagons. The infrastructure is not there yet to run longer trains on many routes, so careful timetabling will be necessary. More freight running at night will free up paths for passenger services. Stephen
  14. Has anyone come across this before http://www.attix.co.uk? Stephen
  15. There are four pages on the turf burner, 0-6-6-0T CC1 as OVSB designated it, in Brian Haresnape's A Pictorial History of Bulleid Locomotives - fascinating stuff. Apparently he had obtained approval for the construction of 50 turf burning/oil fired steam locos, the intention being for these to be a production run of the turf burner when that had been proved in turf burning mode - sadly it was not to be. Stephen
  16. It's the same with secondhand books - my local shop told me recently that railways are the one area where the market has shrunk dramatically - the younger generation are still interested in cars, planes and ships but not, it seems, trains. Stephen
  17. I've always found them very good people to deal with, so good luck to them. Stephen
  18. Not the SSM kit but the Silver Fox one.
  19. JHB, the problem is that the erosion protection has been put in place by one authority to protect what look like buildings, and where it ends that's where the problem re-emerges - seems like there is no joined up thinking in Ireland, just like the UK - not my problem! Stephen
  20. You can fit Kadees to MM coaches in two ways, either by straight swap in the NEM socket, or by attaching #5 to the underside of the body. The latter is, strictly, the more correct, since it replicates the way that the prototype operates with the bogies just carrying the body, but it's horses for courses, whichever suits your situation best. Stephen
  21. You can also add: http://www.thehobbyden.com/index.php?cPath=107 http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1311.R5.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.Xmurphy.TRS0&_nkw=murphy+models&_sacat=0 Stephen
  22. David Assuming we are talking about exhibiting, to some degree it also depends upon your audience. Mr average knows not the first thing about railway operation, either ancient or modern, and gets very bored very quickly if something is not running. The nuances of run round and shunting are lost to him, which is a great shame. The likes of Iain Rice and Frank Dyer have written very eloquently about various aspects of railway operation, but even then you have to adapt to the model situation. You can't propel a rake of wagons into a siding and expect the shunter to apply the brakes! It's the same with model track, especially if you use ready to run. You lay it according to prototype practice without having exact copies of the prototype. Stephen Stephen
  23. Thanks for that. Stephen
  24. In these modern time, when openness and transparency abound, just what has the guy done wrong, express an opinion different to others and then reiterate it? Stephen
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