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Glenderg last won the day on February 8 2020

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About Glenderg

  • Birthday 17/12/1977

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    North Inner City, Dublin

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  1. Yes, but the slimmer and more democratic one, and according to most Heuston Drivers, golf is not a thing amongst them.
  2. Coat it in brake fluid, the layers will peel off revealing it's life's colours. Easiest way to match it. Any snaps?
  3. Tamper 742...
  4. https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/1334-cie-locomotive-livery-variations-1960-1990/?do=findComment&comment=64209
  5. 450, You could always go with an airbrush with multiple cups like this one. https://bartsharpairbrush.co.uk/product/bartsharp-airbrush-186-dual-action-gravity-feed/ R
  6. Appears to be 7' height at sides, 8' in the centre, with the radius of roof being at the centre point of where the body meets the bufferbeam. I have a drawing here I did from ages ago, but I'd not be mad trusting of it !
  7. Nowt to do with the Welsh, just my imagination.
  8. This is probably better scaled to your needs. I had this idea of a place where the railway was announced and all manner of developers came on board to build hotels and terraces of houses for the wealthy, which never came to pass. Idea was to have a terrace of houses overlooking the station, which would help a model in small scale. Track layout would suit your requirements too and you could have a village/small town surrounding it. Bit of shunting, bit of parked wagons on the loop, potential for a shunting game, even.
  9. Inches JB, not feet !
  10. The RNLI would be a lifeboat station, with a slip way. The idea was to give the idea that there was something "beyond" the railway station, I'd imagine a proper dock of some sort further north, a bit grittier and more industrial. E.S. is engine shed and quite a few small stations would have had one. I looked at Baltimore and sorta invented a town/small village around it. Market town like Mitchelstown combined with the fishing stuff like Warrenpoint, and just kind of imagined what it might be like as a workaday place, rather than a touristy driven place (at the time). Then kind of wondered where'd be the best place for a bowl of chowder and a pint, watch the world go by, but that's the Covid kickin in . I'll have a go at something more suitable for the smaller dimensions....! Richie.
  11. You could have a heap of industries, like boat yards, warehousing, distilleries, timber merchants. Fish going east and onward to the UK, all realistic in that timeframe. The main track would be about 6 ft long I reckon, in 2mm. Bugger, some compression required then !!! Richie.
  12. @Imahilus What space would you ideally like it to fit in ?
  13. The resin isn't brittle at all, I'm just ham fisted at times ! The one thing with Prusa is that Josef Prusa always makes upgrades available, so if anything interesting develops, he'll make it available for users of older models. ultimately it boils down to what you want to get out of it - If you want to make fiddly parts or prototypes then resin is the way. If you want big and can handle visible layer lines and sanding and all that jazz, FDM. Have to ask, what are you trying to print ? Buildings?
  14. Kieran, LX deck profile for your use...
  15. Hi Scah, I've the Elegoo Mars, which has a pretty poor build volume, but it's resin and the fidelity and finish is pretty astonishing. The Elegoo Saturn is coming soon, but build volume is 188mm x 115mm x 200mm, so FDM is probably the way forward for volume. The Peoply Phenom is probably the best resin for big builds, but it's at $1,800 at the moment for large volume of 276mm x 155mm x 400mm. There's some tech being developed at the moment utilising monochromatic LED panels, rather than RGB, and it cuts the cure time of resin from about 10 seconds per layer to 2 seconds, so worth holding out for a bit ? The Anycubic Mega X is getting great reviews for a large volume 3D FDM printer, as does the Prusa MK3. 3D printing Nerd and Makers Muse are two other channels also worth checking out on YouTube. I've not done too much lately, but I designed and printed these late 2019, and I dropped the poor Ban Garda before the photo, loosing her fingertips....There's been a lot of improvements in process since, it's a real learning/waiting game. If you want fidelity go resin, if you want volume, go FDM. HTH, Richie.
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