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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. Really looking forward to the rest of this Eoin. It looks really good so far as does the jig you are using. I always love to see people taking on a Worsley Works kit as they are demanding. Rich,
  2. Looks good Eamonn. Is that the layout you exhibited a while back, you must have had lots of nice compliments. Rich,
  3. You're getting there, a double headed pair of babies will look the business. Actually a baby and a 121 will look even better. I always loved watching a laden Beet train running through Waterford Plunkett it made a different sound to everything else with the rattling of the wagons. Nice kit and well put together. Rich,
  4. Looks really good and how they should look in traffic. The interesting thing about the bubbles is that you could see a particular wagon during a period of dry warm weather and then see it a few weeks later after a period of wet weather and it looks completely different. Weathering is a very subjective topic with some modellers even choosing a season and weathering everything to suit that exact time of year. Once again it looks fantastic and takes an already excellent model to a higher level of accuracy. Rich,
  5. No end to it Fran, and if there is it's not in sight. Rich,
  6. 12 years Ernie and it has changed for the worse, and they were great memories too. On the day I had seen the loco and wagons we were getting new tyres fitted in Deevys garage so we were on the opposite side of the river. Excellent pic btw. Rich,
  7. 25 laden wagons in a rake. Mind you the inside looks so nice that they deserve to be run empty. If one was stuck for space Campile would be a lovely little station to model. Rich,
  8. True Fran but when IRM are into model number six it will feel well worth it. There must be no better feeling than seeing the models going to new homes and in use. I saw 112 in Waterford west 10-11 years ago with a rake of 12 bubbles behind it on route to Limerick, I remember saying to myself if only. Rich,
  9. Ah you really love it though Fran. To be honest IRM has been like winning the lottery for me as freight has always been far more interesting than passenger workings. Rich,
  10. Great to see your work again George. How are you keeping, I hope all the family are well. Rich,
  11. I love updates on your workbench David. The wagons look superb and the castings have turned out really well, I can't wait to see them progress. The buildings are so evocative especially Forbes bar and the hardware store. The hardware store reminds me of the much lamented and missed Johhny Hearnes in Waterford city. Rich,
  12. You have certainly filled some big holes in the market Leslie and continued good luck to you. Rich, Good to hear Fran glad you all had a great day. From what I have been told yourself and Pat played a blinder. Enjoy tomorrow and Monday, also try and see the layouts on display if you get some time. Rich,
  13. No surprises there Stephen. For me the MM baby GM's are one of the best rtr models out there and set the bar very high. The one area where our hobby was lacking was in a need for a rtr wagon. When a wagon was to be produced it had to at the least match the quality of the MM locos. The ballast wagon reached that standard and after some time familiarizing myself with the ballast I could see that it had not only matched the loco quality but it had in many areas surpassed it. The bubble seems to have raised the bar again . This is the way it should be, this is where the hobby is now and where it is going. We owe it to future modellers to keep raising the bar and to make the hobby move forward and not stagnate. IRM have done this and their intention is to always improve and in doing this they are securing a place for the future of our hobby. It is definitely a fantastic time for us all and long may it continue. Rich,
  14. It must have been the busiest stand today. Did you have a good day yourself Leslie. Rich,
  15. Great to see they arrived lads. Applause for all concerned and involved today. I know you have a lot of busy days ahead so relax and have a few beers tonight. Rich,
  16. Now that's what I really missed the great gags. Rich,
  17. I haven;t ever experienced anything like this, flight radar, titanic effort to get the delivery to a show for it's release. It should have a movie made about it. Rich,
  18. That's great news lad's as it covers the early period. I reckon they will look sweet in the orange livery. Rich,
  19. Now that's the first concrete news I've heard, cheers Ed. Rich,
  20. I enjoyed that it really is wonderful modelling. Rich,
  21. Excellent as usual my man. It must be surreal weathering something you designed I love it. Rich,
  22. No problem Dave a misunderstanding that's all. Rich,
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