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Patrick Davey

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Everything posted by Patrick Davey

  1. Interesting discussion folks! So a 'small' announcement tomorrow....... I wonder is BK's use of the word 'small' a bit mischievous...... Or maybe it's an Irish narrow gauge announcement.....
  2. Lovely video - what an amazing railway journey that must have been.
  3. Ok folks what's the story..... there had been a few less-than-subtle hints on here recently about new goodies.....powered goodies...... yes the magnesite wagons are awesome but not on my geographical radar and as for the Deltic..... admittedly I have been drooling but unless Boris gets his bridge or tunnel completed AND re-gauges the whole of Ireland (or GB) then I'm unlikely to have reason to run one..... Yes we got our AAAAAAmazing As and now our 'across the water' colleagues have their DDDDDDDelightful Deltics so surely it's back to us again.........
  4. Just ordered a load of stuff which will hopefully see me through to the completion of all the buildings on the layout...... fingers crossed......
  5. Exactly the current plan Mark!
  6. Sadly completely closed Noel
  7. This should be of interest - the chap who took the photos doesn't name the station on his Facebook page for fear of attracting vandals (although it's pretty obvious to us Northerners!) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=UrbexForgottenUlster&set=a.2083544058510177
  8. Now that's how to do it - simply superb scratchbuilding! Looking forward to further updates.
  9. And depending on how the wind is blowing, he says 'Remain'........
  10. Well the louvres didn’t work….. they all fell apart! I had made a card frame for them to fit into but I don’t think the glue and the material liked each other I had left it all overnight to cure but when I started adjusting it all this morning, it collapsed This small build really is putting up a big fight
  11. Managed to grab an hour or two today. Wasn’t totally happy with the paint finish so I have darkened it down a bit which has improved that I think, and I’ve also started working on the corrugated iron louvres for the upper windows. I haven’t quite measured these properly so I might have to redo this later. Or maybe the irregular lines are more authentic?
  12. Not my area of interest but this looks fantastic, the Deltic too!
  13. After a bit of touching up and pointing, here's where we are - and here's where we'll stay for a while - work gets in the way now for a few weeks....
  14. This is where I am at close of business tonight. Painting largely complete, just some touching up to be done then pointing with filler then an overall wash of dilute black to weather it. Then I have to fill in the two upper storey window openings - been researching and have decided on a corrugated iron louvre effect. Also need to find a way to make the doors openable……
  15. Now I’m getting close….. A bit of dry brushing of grey and white followed by picking out the quoins and lintels etc in a ‘sandstone’ mix of cream & brown:
  16. I’m looking at the site now and it’s saying all sold - maybe my wife has hacked the site to stop me buying any more Edit: 38 on the .com site but none on the .co.uk site
  17. So have the final A30s all gone, meaning every one of these world-beating models has now sold????
  18. Base coat of black going on. The building will be finished in a basalt-effect random stone with sandstone quoins & lintels etc, a common architectural style in Co. Antrim.
  19. So here is my latest attempt to get the quoins looking as neat as I need them to be. I have knocked up a small jig from plasticard and this will act as a guide for scribing into the clay/filler surface. This process will start tomorrow afternoon and hopefully it will work, as I do enjoy scribing, I find it very relaxing! The nearest wall will not be seen on the layout so I haven’t bothered to smooth it off with filler. Lazy!
  20. The low relief mill building progresses: two layers of clay have now hardened and sanding has commenced. Once I am happy with that, the scribing of the quoins and stonework will begin.
  21. Thanks Popeye and David - I have added a second layer of DAS clay today and will sand it tomorrow so I should be OK from here on. The only issue with DAS is that it is much heavier than card which isn't great for a portable layout so some time invested in becoming more familiar with card modelling would be beneficial to me. Thanks everyone for your comments!
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