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Patrick Davey

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Everything posted by Patrick Davey

  1. My attempts at creating precision quoins using card didn’t quite end successfully…..I have admitted defeat and I’m currently covering the structure with DAS clay and will then scribe the stonework, including the quoins, once dry. It will take a second layer of the clay tomorrow to cover the structure completely then I will leave it for a day or two to dry thoroughly. A combination of impatience plus inexperience combined against me here but at least I should be ok with the clay
  2. Cheers GM - it's about 1mm thick so I think I'll try the primer when I get home.
  3. A question for those who model in card! I’ve always been a plasticard kind of person but for various reasons I have been using card on this build. The quoins are finished in card and will need painted and then masked. Last time I tried this I was too heavy with the paint and didn’t thin it down as I was worried that too much water would soak into the card and disfigure it. But the ‘too thick’ paint looked awful. So the question is: does card take primer, or would a seal of PVA glue do the trick? TIA!
  4. When normal people go on a work trip.....they use the time in the hotel to relax. It would only be an abnormal person who would bring his model railway stuff with him to catch up on a build..... ......
  5. Thanks Mark - afraid not but it won't take long to get a replacement knocked up
  6. Due to bit of impatience on my part.....I have had to abandon the above and start again.......
  7. Been working this week on the final building (or maybe not....) for Brookhall Mill - an 'original' ie pre-GNR(I) stone building. It will have a low relief depth of around 1.5in but will have opening doors giving access inside for covered vans, I will be adding a short extension to the baseboard to facilitate this. Making quoins and window/door surrounds from Scale Model Scenery coping stones: Front of building: With doors: The quoins etc. were painted yellow then masked off, then a layer of DAS clay was added over a spread of PVA glue: Painting of the stonework begins with a base coat of black:
  8. Another coincidence JB: I managed to capture the same vehicle on a date in the late 1960s, might have been the very same working?
  9. 1955: A special consignment of linen being made ready for its journey via North Wall in Dublin, to join the Cork goods for eventual delivery to Dugort Harbour.
  10. Love the track level view in the cutting JB! Did I hear a rumour that there's a consignment on the way from Brookhall Mill?
  11. GNR(I) red brick buildings completed. Final block will be in an older architectural style. Although there may be a ‘bonus’ GNR building later……
  12. Working on this corner at the moment. This will be the last block of GNR red brick…..or will it….
  13. Lovely photos Ernie! Continued thanks for sharing these wonderful views.
  14. This stuff smells exactly like the distinctive aroma which emanated from the above establishment:
  15. Lots of new photo opportunities emerging as the buildings go up!
  16. A bit heavy on the GNR-ness perhaps…..???
  17. Really enjoying this. Had a lot of small detail items waiting to go onto these buildings so it’s nice to see them in place at last. More to come too…… * Date stone from Scale Model Scenery * Extractor fans from JS Models * Quoins from York Modelmaking * Period posters from….em….the www….
  18. Two blocks of the mill building almost completed. And no, the GNR(I) didn’t run flying trains……
  19. More progress today, thanks to a few unexpected free hours. Building.... Painting.... And trying in position - the platform road is starting to look a bit cramped.....
  20. Finished, with just the glazing to go. Painting finished and sills added, along with some grey brick courses and also coping stones at the very top. An overall wash of dilute white acrylic has also been added to dull the red paint and bring out the brick detail.
  21. More work today, including painting and adding the windows and window arches. Some work also done on the internal detailing too. Window sills to come next.
  22. Thanks Mike, this is a linen mill though
  23. Thanks Mike! It’s a freelance design I suppose, with a bit of an influence from the GNR works at Dundalk, red brick with yellow quoins and window arches
  24. Indeed - a lot of very useful items to be drooled over
  25. Thanks all Grey board indeed it is, obtained from Scale Model Scenery. Mark the brick detail and quoins are from York Modelmaking, they add a lot to the build I think!
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