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Patrick Davey

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Everything posted by Patrick Davey

  1. Jeepers that's very impressive but am afraid it's beyond me - too much electricity!
  2. Very helpful thanks folks!
  3. I have an idea for a layout and I want to keep the electrics as simple as possible, to an absolute minimum. Wondering can anyone suggest an alternative, mechanical, method of operating points from a distance? Thanks in advance!
  4. Thanks folks - I currently don't have a line to run it on so I will probably bring it to a friend's layout to see if she has any life in her! Thanks for the advice - I have ordered the correct transfers from Des so if I can't get her going immediately, at least she'll be cosmetically restored!
  5. Just discovered this grand old lady in my attic - made by a friend from a Studio Scale Models kit many moons ago. Des is going to send me suitable transfers but I was wondering what else I might need to do to get her going again? A far as I recall she was a solid runner but a bit noisy.......
  6. Yes have checked those out, very impressive! Shall keep looking. Thanks again Nelson.
  7. Nelson you are a true legend! Cheers my friend.
  8. Folks I came across two things online a few months ago and now can't find either - one was a brass etch of GNR(I) station building windows in OO gauge, from a UK manufacturer. I might have a reason to need such a useful product later this year but despite extensive searching I can't find it. The other was a GNR(I) station building, also in OO, from a different manufacturer, a card structure if I recall correctly. Wondering might anyone be able to point me in the direction of either? Or both? Cheers!
  9. I have been following this thread with interest and I have noted all the comments. I think it depends on which area of modelling is of interest - for me it's the buildings, lineside structures, bridges and scenery so if these models have any imperfections I don't think I would notice them or care because having an RTR Irish loco (even if it's GNR and not BCDR....) will allow me to construct a fully-functional Irish layout, knowing that I will be able to actually run authentic-looking trains. Am not worried about the absence of rivets from the tender - my focus will be on the polychrome brick building and the signal cabin! U class ordered!
  10. Not too many layouts with a BCDR theme but I had a go a few years back: https://www.facebook.com/ballynahinchjunction1950/photos_stream I know of another model of the same location, currently under construction in N gauge.
  11. David this is the most realistic Irish railway layout I have ever seen, it's truly amazing in every way - I love the 'Sprinks' reference! Maybe sometime you'll provide us with a 'cab ride' video - that would be the icing on the cake! Many congratulations on a superb creation.
  12. Beragh JB?
  13. Thanks! Glad to hear you've been on the FB page and thanks for the welcome!! I have a few videos but the FB page doesn't seem to like them there are a few in this album though: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=vb.312792468816066&type=2 Thanks everyone for the kind words and welcome!
  14. Hi Dave - thanks for the positive comment! Much appreciated! I managed to take a few hundred photos during the building of the layout, as well as a few hundred more during numerous site visits to what remains of the station, and they're all on the FB page - the best gallery I think is this one: I should point out that most of the locos and rolling stock were built and loaned by Colm Flanagan, with the model of the branch diesel made by Johnny Prescott in England and loaned by Ken Ball. Maybe some day I'll venture into the scary world of scratchbuilding the appropriate locos myself! Most of the wagons are from Leslie McAllister's excellent Provincial Wagons range. Thanks again Dave - glad you liked it!
  15. Hi all - I'm new to the forum, and well impressed at the upsurge in Irish railway modelling and the quality of it, so well done to everyone and keep it up. My own layout is a reproduction in OO of the former station at Ballynahinch Junction on the former mainline of the Belfast & County Down Railway. I chose this location due to a family connection (bad pun) and after a few years of planning and construction it was eventually completed. The layout is now on display in the magnificent new carriage gallery of the DCDR at Downpatrick, and has been located in the appropriate setting of the former BCDR Royal Saloon, which has been preserved at Downpatrick. I have created a Facebook page with a photographic record of the building of the layout so please feel free to have a look and give me your thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/ballynahinchjunction1950?ref=hl The page also includes extensive galleries of my photographs of mostly disused railway locations around Ireland. Family and work commitments have meant that the railway modelling is on hold for now but I fully intend on making a return! Regards, Patrick
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