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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Good man Leslie. Ah Warley, must head there sometime...
  2. Weshty

    Class A

    +1. I've had the pleasure of seeing it work and held it as well. A very tasty job done with it.
  3. Weshty

    Sulzer Kit

  4. Weshty

    Sulzer Kit

    Thanks Burn, but do you mean "It goes like this"?
  5. Weshty

    Sulzer Kit

    Yup, my bad, it's dzsullivan@eircom.net
  6. Weshty

    Sulzer Kit

    +1. In a nutshell, Garfield. Folks, email me at dzsullivan@eirecom.net with your order and address and I will finalize the price inclusive of p&p.
  7. and open a starter hole with a 0.5mm-0.4mm drill bit.
  8. Weshty

    Sulzer Kit

    Oh, fer sure! No problems with further orders coming on board.
  9. Weshty

    Sulzer Kit

    Thanks guys. We are good to go. I will require prepayment from those interested and then its onto the moulders.
  10. Lovely work, really exploits the scenecraft model to its maximum.
  11. Corrected.
  12. Seriously lovely kits, and very professional looking. Hard to believe its cardboard. Well done guys! The fact it is all laser cut certainly helps the build factor.
  13. Cracking photo from Glenderg, never seen that before.
  14. JHB, that is a cracking completed model. Dave has excelled himself, because that is not a simple kit to tackle. Hats off. I can only gather that Christmas has come early for you.
  15. Weshty

    Sulzer Kit

    Rotf-lmfao! I'd currently imbibing a damn fine bottle of Stonewell's Dry Irish Craft Cider. Picture Cidona, but with a kick like a mule. MMmmmmmmm.
  16. Weshty

    Sulzer Kit

    For those who don't RTFM To repeat, it is the SAME kit as the last time, but without the LED lights. Ergo, a few bob off (those LEDS were an utter pain to sort and pack in the kit and as Richie said very few installed them). The Class 55 was chosen because its wheelbase is the closest to the sulzer as it was a very short three axle wheelbase, and it is relatively cheap, being part of the Hornby Railroad range. And to reiterate that the kit includes a brass chassis so no need to cut and shut, just take out the bogies and use them on it. To keep the thread on track. 8 orders=rerun. Less than 8=no rerun.
  17. Weshty

    Sulzer Kit

    T'is the truth. Please note this is the same kit as before, but without the lighting rig.
  18. That's glass by the look of it. Amazing how weathered and smoothed the limestone got.
  19. Thanks guys, it had to be done
  20. For their bogie flats, CIE used two different bogies. The US "Ride Control" and the European Y33. The "Ride Control" differs in that it uses three central springs rather than two pairs centred around the axles. The Studio Scale 42' Bogie Flat comes with the Y33 as standard. For completeness, we will be launching the Ride Control bogie pack in the new year, which will make up two bogies. The pack will contain bogie sides, brass frame, all metal wheels and mounting screws. Expected cost is c.€14.
  21. I am fully aware that the bar is higher than it should be, though the prototype angle does vary depending on how laden the coach is. Changing the angle would require a complete redesign of the donor etches and a two month delay at the very least. This project had been on the long finger for four years so if I didn't build it now, it would never get done, and ergo, no irish commonwealth. And I don't see anyone else rushing to design,etch and spend 3 nights sweat soldering 1.5mm x 1.5mm brass gubbins together Well, maybe one or two, you know who you are. The pattern is only 40mm in length, not the 160mm it appears on the scree n I will be releasing it as it is, caveat emptor, and given it is in white metal, snip the bar at one end and adjust to your heart's content. Simples.
  22. Mayner called it correctly. I've finalised the Irish Commonwealth bogie, a very different creature than its UK counterpart. Note that it comes as a mirrored set. This will be sold with an etched bogie and wheels (like the 42' bogie flat). I hope to provide buffers and cast gangway as well.
  23. Oh be still my beating heart. I didn't appreciate Mallow in the mid '80s half enough. Beets, Ammonias, Bells, Killarney Cravens and a 141 going round to bring it back. And a busy GANTRY crane!!
  24. Well just to inform you that thanks to this thread SSM enterprises have horsed into a few outstanding actions. As a result we have some lovely new accessories in the pipeline for all you Park Royal, Laminate and 50's Bredin enthusiasts. More anon.
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