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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Those pillars look really well, nicely weathered and a suitably "stoney" surface, shows off the gate no end.
  2. ROFL. To quote Mater "That's funny right there!"
  3. Well done lads. That is some very impressive, very comprehensive CAD, it would look well on Model Rail Page 4 for new items. I look forward to purchasing a pack or several. No doubt the detail will be nose-bleedingly precise. May there be many more strings to yeer bow.
  4. Nice job!
  5. You've always something on the go Eamon! Love the rusted IFM Cement wagons, they really look the business, lots and lots of detail there.
  6. €25????? Jay-zusss. Gift.
  7. Wow, 70's flashback or what. Real character in those babies.
  8. OUch! Subtle reposte there my son
  9. Oh Kerrrrist, that side shot makes the eyes water.
  10. Ah lads, that's just lovely. The Station Hotel shot is the cherry on the cake.
  11. Super video. £23m is about eur700 in terms of equivalent economic cost today. It still more than likely grossly underestimated the true cost of course, but nothing new there given the original Luas was supposed to come in at a third of the final bill. Very impressed with the local building of the flats and fertilisers. All that skill set gone to the four winds now I'd imagine. And as Mayner said, once companies were not locked into the overpriced CIE monopoly, it all fell by the wayside.
  12. The work on the redbrick building is amazing. Particularly the circular window brickwork. And all in N!! Top, top class.
  13. Must say, O gauge is appealing to me more and more.....
  14. Heck no. Your loquaciousness is to be savoured.
  15. It's called multitasking David. And also why they tend to be brief and to the point
  16. Coras Iompar Eireann the Irish Transport Authority. It's the State body that runs the railways and buses. http://www.cie.ie/ Practicalities: Would being a train driver be plausible in the context of my story? How much would a train driver have earned, eg? Was it a very technically skilled job back then? If not, what other job could he have done on the railway that would need high technical skill, and if such a job existed, would it not have paid too much? As it is/was a highly unionised organisation, train drivers would have been well paid, probably 30% above the average industrial wage.
  17. Ohh , I like that RPSI Craven, it looks so different in the new livery. Well done Glenderg!
  18. Super stuff David, that chassis looks well solid, I'm not surprised you have 20 hours done so far.
  19. Lovely. Next move now is to try the 24th scale version. An ANIMAL!
  20. I love the gleeful way he wilfully threw the boxes away. Talk about poking the cage. He's a very naughty boy.
  21. Weshty

    Michael Rayner

    Only coming at this thread now, but delighted to hear he's doing well. Pass on best regards (and high praise for the Bullied!).
  22. David, You coudl try Southern Pride, they do a huge range of seats and tables for a brace of different coaches.
  23. Lovely paint job on a lovely loco. Really shows off all the work on it. Well done the SPS (Summerhill Paint Services)
  24. "W2408 Gold Plated 0-6-0 Tank"? And there's me thinking it was a brass model.
  25. Noel beat me to it by seconds http://www.hornby.com/uk-en/power-control/hm2000-power-controller.html It wil controll 2 locos and also has power for an extra slave unit as well as DC and ac power for peripherals
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