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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Test etches off next week Dave, both for ammonia and 42foot . Major props to the 'Dergmeister for his assistance
  2. Accurate measures of inflation, one of my fav subjects. To understand why colour photos are rare even in the 70's, I have an old 1974 negative/photo holder from a pharmacy that arranged developing, with a price of £5.60 on the front (for 36 shots). Remember , this excludes the cost of the film. The average earning equivalent of stg£5.60 today is €85, working out at €2.37 per snap (and with film cost c.€4 per shot). Hence the rarity. Go back another 20 years and you can see how colour slides were as rare as hens' teeth.
  3. Lovely!!! I like the gold edging. Very tasty, I'll be updating my transfers.
  4. Oh be still my beating heart! Nope, all is well. Things progressing tastefully at the mo (i.e. not at a grinding halt). Ammo & 42' test etches being finalised. The 'dergmeister has been very helpful too...
  5. You mean to tell me this is a 70+ year old tank? VERY good condition.
  6. Glad you got it sorted. Having had fun and games with malware I would never go down the road of a complete reinstall. It's just not needed. Provided you have another PC you should be able to search for and download the required fix and then copy across with a memory stick. Then blast the PC with every respectable malware killer possible, preferably in safemode. http://lifehacker.com/5227896/five-best-malware-removal-tools Hijackthis is something you should have on as the canary in the goldmine. It won't fix anything, but if you run it every few days, you can see if there is anything new and dodgy and take a search friom there. Very little can hide from it. But I have to say €150 for a fix sounds a bit rich. And tell that young fellah to stop playing online games etc., they are riddled with sh'te!
  7. All well now!
  8. http://www.feelnumb.com/2010/02/23/neil-youngs-obsession-with-model-trains/ Neil Young is such a model train enthusiast that he actually invented a Trainmaster Command Control and was part owner of Lionel, LLC, the model train company and model railroad accessories. In 2008 Lionel emerged from bankruptcy and his shares of the company were wiped out but he is still a consultant for the company. Young was instrumental in the design of the Lionel Legacy control system for model trains and has been named as co-inventor on seven U.S. Patents related to model trains.
  9. Thanks JB! Though you'd probably get a more fervant response if Pete Waterman, Rod Stewart or Neil Young were on the panel. All rabid modellers.
  10. You can view the page at http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/forumrunner/content.php/344-Maedhbh-(800-Class)
  11. You can view the page at http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/forumrunner/content.php/344-Maedhbh-(800-Class)
  12. It's still just a test page. Nobody should have seen it. I didn't set the parameters right.
  13. You can view the page at http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/forumrunner/content.php/344-Maedhbh-(800-Class)
  14. You can view the page at http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/forumrunner/content.php/344-Maedhbh-(800-Class)
  15. Now THAT is a quality shot. And remember, these are RTR Bells and an RTR 071, whoever thought we'd see the day???
  16. Ah, but will you ever love an RTR as much as you do a kit where you remember every loving and painstaking detail that goes into it? As I've stated before, I still treasure my scratchbuilt MK2 EGV everybit as much as my Murphy's RTR. However, when it comes to a rake of 15-20, ok, a few RTRs would make it easier allright...
  17. Nice one John, so same but different. No doubt back in the 70's, gricers bemoaned the end of 4 wheel stock and the generic look of containerisation. We are now going through another iteration. So long as we start seeing a rational use of rail haulage, in whatever form, we should be happy. Though how the Foynes link is not being used just absolutely escapes me.....
  18. Weshty


    Richie Loving the "For the benefit of Mr. Kite" homage. A small piccie on the headline will add the cherry to the icing. Oh and lest I forget, total props to the main man Boskonay for the money time and effor invested in keeping this site shipshape. As user friendly goes, you won't get much better. Word.
  19. I'm tempted myself. It's an ANIMAL of a model, well over 12" long and a plethora of beautiful brass detailing.
  20. Studio Scale Models are delighted to announce the launch and availability of the former Northstar range of irish loco kits. O Gauge (7mm) Leitrim Class "Lissadell" / " Hazelwood" 0-6-4 1 Gauge (10mm) T&DR Kerr Stuart #4 2-6-0 OO gauge PP Class 4-4-0 with tender OO gauge AL Class 0-6-0 with tender All kits come complete with whitemetal and cast brass detailing. On the larger kits, this detailing has to be seen to be believed! Images will be posted up in teh near future. See our website for further details on availability and options.
  21. Dave, very impressive, even if it looks like it plugs into Pulse and could order a taxi at the same time!
  22. Yup, I'm organising them as part of the ammonia rake.
  23. Richie (Glenderg), great photos and great weathering. Very, very nice work.
  24. Now THAT is a well viable suggestion.
  25. Lovely work John, great to see the J26 being sorted. I'll have to look at doing the later style chimney and other detailing at some stage.
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