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Flying Scotsman 4472

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  1. Absolutely fantastic layout.
  2. I had a few A Classes sent to me with the same problem. Basically it’s the brass counter balance where it pushes onto the motor drive shaft. The drive shaft is spinning inside the plastic housing which is incased within the brass counter balance. It’s a very simple fix. Slide the counter balance a couple of millimetres of the drive shaft put a little dab of superglue on the shaft and push the counter balance back on and that’s it job done. Hope this was of some help.
  3. Wife won’t be happy that’s next year’s summer holidays in the sun cancelled
  4. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
  5. I would love to say yes but unfortunately to change all my stock and layout would be to much work and expense. Also I wouldn’t be able to run my English stock on 21mm track.
  6. Warb your work is an absolute master class in model building. I’m looking forward to seeing more instalments of this fabulous layout.
  7. Eamonn don’t forget to bless yourself before you start praying to me.
  8. Thanks guys it’s always appreciated when my weathering gets such great comments. Noel can’t wait to see the weathering job you do on this. You have to be one of the best around now at weathering. Keep up the great work.
  9. Fantastic news on the release of the two Dublin Buses. Just ordered my two.
  10. I’d say Ammonia tankers.
  11. Noel if you need any advice on how to weather your spoil wagons. I’m only a phone call away.
  12. Great news Wrenneire
  13. Fantastic work there Noel.
  14. Not long to wait now
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