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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Yes that's Paul Roches site I speak with him regularly a very nice chap indeed and he has a very large collection of Irish and US outline.
  2. 230 that caught fire last night is that not an IE owned loco. Nothing to do with Translink they just tried to better IE by burning a railcar=))
  3. If the damage is bad I would say she will end up on the scrapheap getting cannibalised to keep the rest of them going. Bring back the 071's/Mk3's on the enterprise twice the age of the 201's and twice the loco. Its just a shame it wasn't a railcar that went up in smoke.
  4. Purple unfortunately the thread ended up becoming a pantomime and admin felt it necessary to delete it because as usual it ran away with itself. I agree with his decision as its looks bad for the web site with all the bickering and fighting thats going on. If you have any trust issues regarding the swap feel free to contact admin via PM and I'm sure he will be only to glad to help.
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-22805136
  6. That looks great well done and I love the layout anymore pictures of it
  7. What little chance we would have of getting a run in OO I doubt they would entertain irish n gauge as there are even fewer people modelling that scale in irish. But worth asking them I guess.
  8. Are they not N gauge Stephen.
  9. Its hard to say mate as on the real thing the cover rolls up and rests against the three upright poles you can see in the picture. Otherwise I will just have to start cutting:D. BTW forgot to say when carrying apples there was no cover used just a mountain of apples sticking above the trailer, and when carrying scrap a net covered the trailer.
  10. Tinnellys T cab can't wait to get my hands on one as its one of the local haulage companies in my area and I know the truck well. . Its great to see Oxford bringing out another trailer that's not a curtain sider or a refer. A nice load for this truck would be apples from Armagh heading to Bulmers in Clonmel or a load of scrap as these are quit common loads for Tinnellys
  11. Word of note dieselnut when Mulgrews were on the Coca Cola work (which they lost to Stobart) 9 out of 10 times they ran in 2 or 3 trucks in convoy. Another little thing was that drivers from other companies would write in the dust on the back doors of their trailers "All Flash No Cash" as they were well know for not paying their drivers a good wage but always kept their vehicles well turned out.
  12. Most of Oxfords latest releases are here http://www.ehattons.com/stocklist/1000488/1000588/1000669/0/Oxford_Diecast_OO_Gauge_1_76th_Commercial_vehicles/prodlist.aspx also check eBay under Oxford diecast and Atlas diecast
  13. The Oxford Mulgrew truck will be hard to come by at a reasonable cost they do come up on eBay but expect to pay around £30 if not more for one as they are highly sought after.
  14. anybody got a list of what Irish trucks are available in 1/76?
  15. Royal Mail still send surface mail to Northern Ireland. The P&O boat into Larne has 8 x 45' spaces reserved every night for Royal Mail. Phoenix Percision never did like using RM and always insisted on a privat carrier they don't like selling small amounts and would prefer to sell to the trade in larger amounts. I usuall get about £100 worth of paint etc a month from various suppliers within the UK and it still comes with an orange sticker on the box saying not to be shipped via air.
  16. Yea IE could do a late late show train.
  17. I think it looks brill. Something different. IE should take a leaf out of their book and charge for advertising on the side of locos.
  18. When a speaker is in a sealed enclosure removing any part of that enclosure or simply drilling a hole in it will affect the sound not always for the bad but not always for the good. This applies to all speakers from something as small as a couple of centimetres to a rock concert speaker which a lot of the time have what's called a horn enclosure. The bass reflex speakers are enclosure designed where as the speakers in the 201/071 are free air. Removing the back from the enclosure could in time damage the speaker.
  19. Could you imagine that in real life Fran.
  20. Imagine Mave back on the rails stretching her legs like that over here. Probably will never happen I know. (Before you all start). That why I envy the English so much when it comes to running preserved locos and stock. Great video Irishrail123
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