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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Great find Garfield fantastic modelling there
  2. You will have to play about with CV's 54 and 55 and it should run great on slow speed
  3. Has anyone got a list of the CV values for the MM 0004 decoder.
  4. Maybe we could have an 071 painted like this
  5. Probably the only photo of a clean train they could find. As for a foreign country I will have to tip customs of the next time your calling up to me and tell them to get out their rubber gloves
  6. Yes I'd love a few of them myself
  7. And don't forget the white as well
  8. Hard to make my mind up on this one I'll wait until I see her outside in the light
  9. 077 has been painted and looks great
  10. I need some long static grass Jack don't forget to bring some
  11. You want to have to sit there all day driving it mate some of the old heads were very wiffy. DB should have giving us a gas mask and air freshner. You would know when a driver was suffering as they would be heading down the road with the door open for ventilation. :puke:
  12. Where did you get the city imp
  13. Not the same Stephen that's just like a train simulator only the trains are not on the screen
  14. Operating your your layout from a computer iPad or phone for me defeats the purpose of a model layout and the feel of throwing points turning dials and controling trains etc yourself.
  15. Let us know nearer the time and as I said I'll have a coupe of 83's from you Brian
  16. I will take 2 83's Brian as it was my first DB route as a city imp driver back in the day . will these be available in the shops or do we get them from your good self
  17. Great video and nice layout. Welcome to the site Frank
  18. Thanks Steve Sky+ now programmed
  19. Forgot to say there is also tons of room inside the body and you can glue even more weight in there. It's just a pity that this model never came with all axel drive it would have made a big difference
  20. Stephen pull the fuel tank of fill with lead shot and glue back on that should sort it out for you I've done it to all my own and it makes a hell of a difference.
  21. Is this free to customers who have already purchased the model?
  22. To get everything working on a 201 you will need a 6 function decoder or else you could do some rewiring on the loco circuit board
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUvy9LolWsg
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