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Everything posted by richrua

  1. Thanks folks I think I'll go for the earlier livery this time. Much appreciated folks
  2. Thanks Kirley, Noel, et al! The filler is Plastic Putty. It dries quickly and sands quite well. I need to improve my sanding. Also the Louvre Slats / vents are too small to be prototypical but the best I could get for now. I will be happy with it anyway!
  3. I like the yard. It looks huge. ! The beet train is impressive too
  4. A white Stripe and some decals and I'm home and dry.
  5. I've been attempting a Generator van conversion from mk1 coach to run with my Craven. As I am not fixed to any particular era, I was wondering which livery I might be able to use. For example, I have both early and later cravens. Which livery might suit both (if at all) if I wanted to use the gene van in each of these trains? Thanks
  6. Thanks for the tips Glenderg ! Thanks dive also.
  7. I had this non-prototypical spray effort on an old br mk2 brake lying about. It was from when I restarted the hobby a couple of years ago. I have since learned what actually ran in Ireland ! So taking a break from the gen van I decided I would use it as a weathering excercise. I also blanked out some windows with "boards" so that on the layout it might pass for a worn out centre door mk2. I tried some dry weathering And added the boards to keep the rain out The Gards were often called out to acts of vandalism in the yard
  8. Gouged out the old bogies. They had a firm rivet design , must've been a fairly old Hornby donor. Replaced by mk2 b4 bogies borrowed from an old br coach that I had lying about. It's good to have a bits box.
  9. I sprayed then tidied up the filler again had a few dints in it. Getting there now.
  10. The fly in the ointment . My old mk1 has riveted bogies making conversion tricky
  11. Hi folks. Any shots of a roof area of a mk 1 generator van (irish) ? Moving on to the roof vents now.
  12. Dc kits appear to have one on their website. 130 sterling. I don't know much about them though and if they actually have them in stock etc ... http://www.dckits-devideos.co.uk/shop/kits_modelling/irish_railways_inc_murphy_models_rtr_kits_transfers/
  13. thanks folks I logged out and in and it is ok now. Must try that imgur Broithe thanks.
  14. a little more. Needs a good tidy up now.
  15. A bit more work done today.
  16. its a jpeg 1.3 mb . I tried it on my phone but then also on laptop and neither worked. I'll try again now.
  17. Hi Guys. Thanks for the excellent website. However, At the moment I cant upload any images. They are my own and not third party. I tried making them a smaller file size but that didn't work either. Thanks.
  18. My photo is failing to upload
  19. Thanks for the bogie flat info George. Thanks for the gen info Dive. Are they the same on both sides of the gen van do you know? Bit of door detail last night. here is a photo
  20. A little bit more done . I need to put in the little square hatches at each end. What are they for ?
  21. My passengers must be freezing. I have a total lack of gen vans on the railway, so Im going to rectify that over the next few weeks. Starting with an attempt at a mk1 van conversion with this old Hornby. Bogies are wrong. This will supply the juice to my cravens.
  22. That is brilliant thanks noel
  23. Hi folks. Where would you find a full list of the murphy models 071 s to date ? I checked their Web but the list hasn't been updated in a couple of years.
  24. Really great looking train in my humble opinion. Nice look about it. Would make a nice modelling challenge too . All shiney like and all.
  25. Very nice
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