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Everything posted by spudfan

  1. Seems Eamon Ryan was complaining about the emissions from that loco. He said it was that bad he saw it from the airplane he was travelling in to go to another "green summit" in some far off place. He said he was not the only one who saw it. He said that some of his 91 person entourage were enraged by it...
  2. Nice bit of research. Should set you up for a job as a researcher on Prime Time....
  3. Back on Terra Firma....
  4. Car went into the garage recently and was put up on the lift...and there it stayed. A fault developed with the lift and it would not come down. Part on order....for the lift.
  5. I managed to get these recently, all are new and unused. The DRS Vitrains class 37 and 47 are from EBAY and the Lima class 37 is from Clarks Railworks.
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  6. County Donegal
  7. First decent snowfall of the season. Funnily enough it was crunchy and crispy down low but pure soft powdery higher up. Tiring especially on the slopes. Just a few photos. When I was leaving this morning about 10.30am the Mrs informed me that it was -3 degrees according to her phone. Funnily enough when I was putting my gear into the car I gathered that I would not be wearing shorts....
  8. Thats them GREENS again. In order to save energy the train does not stop enroute so you have to run after it and board it a la Butch Cassidy. They are also saying that this gives you much needed exercise.
  9. Hopefully asbestos free, unlike some of NIR coaches in the past! Ah well there is a quarry not too far from here, just in case.
  10. For anyone that is interested the Dapol class 59 has finally hit the shops in the UK. Have ordered Natonal Power 59204. Comes in at €186.04 EUR including postage. Hattons do the VAT thing etc so it should come through O.K. Dapol 4D-005-003 Class 59/2 59204 "Vale of Glamorgan" in National Power (hattons.co.uk)
  11. I think they need that squad to walk in front of the Luas and clear the people with eyes for their phones only out of the way.
  12. Union Pacific HO Scale Model Train Diesel Locomotives (hobbylinc.com) Canadian HO Scale Model Train Diesel Locomotives (hobbylinc.com)
  13. spudfan

    IRM Fert Wagon

    As you know the IRM crowd pride themselves on their attention to detail and model fidelity. So it comes as no surprise that the IRM fertiliser wagon, like it's CIE counterpart utilises plywood in it's construction. So I was wondering what did CIE use to keep their plywood fit for purpose as I'd like to treat my IRM fertiliser wagons with the same stuff. I was thinking of contacting IRM to find out if they intend to sell tins of it as an accessory item.
  14. Regarding rotating axle hubs on the Guinness keg wagons and the fert wagons, where is the grease nipple situated? I'd like to give them a shot with the grease gun now and then to keep them running smoothly and quietly. I've checked the parts sheet but it is not identified on that. Anybody able to help?
  15. Two Americans were on holiday in Dublin . They were in a night club. One of the Americans being the worst for wear on alcohol decided to go outside and get a taxi to the hotel they were staying in. At the end of the taxi journey he paid the fair went to his room and slept. The next morning his partner asked were he had disappeared to the night before. He explained about going outside and getting a taxi to the hotel. "The nightclub is in the hotel" his partner replied.
  16. Yes I did buy some Guinness kegs and a rake of Irish Ferts from the IRM site this weekend too. Now I am wondering if "Irish Ferts" could be passed off as a fertility clinic. All I need is a sample jar and get the Mrs to post it off to IRM Towers. I'll tell the Mrs IRM stands for Irish Reproductive Management....Playing with trains is not as simple as it used to be.
  17. I am trying to convince the Mrs that "Tara Mines" is a woman and that I am having an affair with....
  18. Thanks for the heads up. I missed out on the "Dickie Taras" so I nailed five packs of blue Taras for €230 with this offer as a consolation. Sent to my daughter's UK address. She will be home for Christmas...hope she remembers to bring these!!!
  19. Could not get any of these. Ah well maybe next time....
  20. I asked that and was told not at the moment. You will only be able to order them from the site when they are listed. I'll be watching it closely in the hope that I can buy some.
  21. I have heard that some modern locos suffer from "mazak" rot. By the looks of this model it should be safe from this disease but how sure can you be it will not suffer from woodworm in the future? It could decimate your whole collection.
  22. As the title says...provided you have the space and the crew have had their Weetabix! SJ Tc - Wikipedia
  23. For a new model idea, how about the pilgrimmage train to knock. This would allow IRM to fit a sound chip to relay the sound of the Rosary being said by the pilgrims on board. So with the GM yoke (or yokes) up the front fitted with a sound chip for the engine (or engines if double headed) and the carraiges fitted with speakers relaying the pilgrims reciting the rosary, it would be an interesting combination.....
  24. From memory it was almost like a return to wagon load traffic! The speed limit allowed the fetiliiser wagon to be stuck behind anything that was travelling to Derry. Never saw anything closely resembling a block train of fertiliser wagons in Derry.
  25. Thinking of adding some interior detailing to my 141/181 fleet. Which side is the steering wheel on? I presume the 071 class is the same?
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