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Everything posted by amdaley

  1. That's very very tasty. Some beautiful crisp brass detailing there.
  2. Its big, its spectacular but I can's say I really like it. Its just a lot of expensive products thrown together & but there's no real modelling there.
  3. First time seeing this post. Some fantastic work going on there & very well done Bren. Those buildings & retaining walls look really wonderful also your use of colour makes the whole layout so realistic. Have you any A4mallards on it
  4. After I telling the Mrs that I was going to choir practice. She was wondering why I was looking at the camera instead of the demo until I told her George was wearing his french maids outfit Thanks George for a great night which was very informative & thanks for the buns as well. They got a good death.
  5. Just to let everyone know I tracked down a copy of the book DIESEL DAWN - Irelands Contribution to the Development of the DMU 1931-1967 Author: FLANAGAN COLM Its on its way. Thank you to everyone who answered my query.
  6. There are plenty of photo's here. It must be one of them ? https://www.google.ie/search?q=%22The+Railways+of+Ireland+Past+and+Present+-+Dublin%22&sa=N&rlz=1C1OPRA_enIE565IE565&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=7702U4L7KLOO7QaXlYCQDg&ved=0CFsQsAQ4Cg&biw=1280&bih=899
  7. Hi Riain. I would suggest that you sell them individually on E bay. Describe them by manufacturer & catalog number when listing them any where. Say whether they are boxed or not & be honest in your description of the items. If you do a search on E bay you will get an idea what similar items are fetching. Good luck.
  8. Someone might be interested. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=400682662087&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:GB:1123 Postage to Ireland is about £6.
  9. That's a beautiful loco
  10. Any good to anyone ? http://cgi.ebay.ie/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=400684218114&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:IE:3160
  11. Is this what you are looking for ? Irish Locomotives & Rolling Stock book (1997 edition) written by Andrew Marshall & Peter Jones. Its the 2nd one down on this page. http://www.irishtractiongroup.com/merchandise.htm
  12. That's a simply beautiful piece of work. I'm constantly amazed at the skill of some modelers.
  13. Well done. That's a great railway room you have there. Looks fantastic. Some very nice carpentry work going on there.
  14. I presume its a shunting signal.
  15. I know of a few spare in case you run out, children that is
  16. Good luck George. Hope to see you before you go.
  17. Hello Everyone. Don't know if this has been posted by someone else but I spotted these while looking for something else. No connection with this company & don't know anything about them Just thought it might be of interest on here. Some Irish Road & Railway signs down the page. http://www.modelrailwayscenery.com/ooho-accessories/
  18. Thanks for that Hunslet. Not really interested in going down that route. I was hoping that something modern might be available in Rtr. Anything available is either a repaint of something else or old technology. I had hoped that Murphy's might have plans to bring out something but it seems not. I have examples of all of Murphy's products except the 201 which I simply don't like as I'm not into modern stuff.
  19. Thanks for the links but nothing at the share site & the ebay item is no longer available. Thanks for that. I'll chase it up when I get back tonight as I'm away all day.
  20. That was my first port of call. Everything comes to he who waits I suppose. A copy will turn up eventually.
  21. Would Murphy's be interested I wonder ? Even though I don't have an Irish layout I would certainly buy a couple as they have great memories for me. Another model I would be interested in is a C class No 227 which was on the last train to leave Caherciveen on the 1st July 1960 on the Farrenfore to Valentia Railway.
  22. Sorry I don't have names for you lads but thanks for the info. I'm not going to build one right now so I will keep an eye out for a copy of that book. Bound to turn up eventually like the local bus
  23. Hello Everyone. Perhaps someone can help me with this. As a kid in Cork I remember CIE Dmu's leaving the station next to the City Hall bound for Bantry I think ? Can anyone tell me the model of there dmu's & is there a 4mm model available anywhere ? It would have been around 1960 ? I understand that there is a book available Diesel Dawn Ireland's Contribution to the Development of the DMU 1931-1967 However I haven't been able to find a copy. Perhaps someone can help ? Thanks everyone.
  24. Hello Everyone. A new member here & while searching for something else I spotted this thread. I use these crimp splice connectors on my layout. For main bus wires I use 32/0.2 cable so I use the blue crimp in the center here http://www.rapidonline.com/Cables-Connectors/Crimp-Blade-Splice-33-0190 For dropper wire I use 16/0.2 cable so i use the red spade connectors here http://www.rapidonline.com/FFSearchResults.aspx?qFS=&query=330665&x=0&y=0 You can put on the blue crimps with a good pliers but you need a crimping tool for the spades. I have never had a problem with these connectors provided you use them properly. There is a company Cooney Electronics in Dublin who bring stuff in from Rapid on a weekly basis. I got all my cable & connectors from them & they are very good. No connection with them other that a happy customer. If anyone wants any further info just drop me a pm.
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