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Everything posted by mmie353

  1. I think there is a queue for that original RPSI set, I am also keeping eyes peeled for about 12 months now for one. I had seen the one lately on Facebook, however the seller would not ship over here to me so the search continues.......
  2. Quick question, @Warbonnet or @BosKonay I was just thinking, is there any update on the sound decoder for the A Class Crossley sound decoder? Figured I would poke the question.
  3. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/134564547082?hash=item1f54ac0a0a:g:YDoAAOSw8oZkWQJk https://www.ebay.ie/itm/134564550799?hash=item1f54ac188f:g:SkUAAOSwdWNkWQWS Marked as spares but not sure if the parts you need are on either of them
  4. Maybe? http://www.studio-scale-models.com/Locos.shtml# at the bottom of the page, they are listed
  5. Varied, approx 300 pounds sterling and up
  6. I do have a question on the Park Royals, as there are some at the RPSI, any possibility of a release in conjunction with the RPSI?
  7. After watching the one that was aired, I saw this one from last week, on the North - https://www.rte.ie/player/series/nationwide/SI0000001172?epguid=IH10000974-23-0041
  8. https://www.rte.ie/player/series/nationwide/SI0000001172?epguid=IH10000974-23-0042
  9. @DJ Dangerous fair play, I am waiting on my own one to come from the UK also. Not a bad price for that one
  10. I took a carry-on bag full of trains from Ireland to the US a few ago, security did look at the bag and they looked at the couplings and I advised, if they were to harm anyone, it's all over. I explained that they were model trains that belong to me. He checked with a supervisor and I was left go, that was pretty much it.
  11. What model decoder is it? Is it a Murphy Models decoder or is it something else? If it is not a Murphy Models decoder, did you or someone else flash a sound file to it?
  12. Is anyone else finding the chat is not working on the IRM website? Even during office hours, it does not let me type anything to get a chat going as I was looking to speak to support.
  13. They were 120 euro a pop and the factory weathered ones were a little more expensive, I cannot remember the cost of those. Going off memory on these.
  14. Well at least I know the next time I go to the store to pick up a bottle. I always loved a bottle of lilt, I wonder now that is part of the Fanta brand if we see it over here in the US in normal stores.
  15. Finally I have everything from the UK from all this, I would not agree with paying the ransom, but one has to wonder, where was the plan to prevent something like this from happening? Where was the backups? Anyone figure out the cause of the breach? Have they a better plan in place if this was to happen again? Apparently it was set at 65M https://www.itpro.co.uk/security/ransomware/370067/lockbit-releases-negotiation-history-royal-mail-ransom-65-million
  16. Lol yup, so my pack finally left the UK and it is somewhere in US customs, so soon as USPS finally get it, is when it will pop up for me to track again. I placed the order close to a month now so I could be a few weeks more waiting for customs to release it, so we shall see. Are Royal Mail taking new deliveries for International?
  17. You did a great job on them re-sprays, the finished article is top class. Well done to you sir.
  18. Lol the very 141 I am also looking for!! MM0171
  19. Lucky you, I am still waiting on mine to move from the 11th, if it could ever hit a plane get over here... The wait continues..
  20. My order was I am told taken to a post office and an hour later, they announced this one. I am not sure if the seller can get the items back or if they are holding them in a sorting office until all this is cleared up. I had orders delayed in December because of the strike and now this is going on. I have checked online but at the moment, is there an ETA advised yet as to when service will be restored?
  21. Just wondering is there any news over there on the Royal mail and them being hacked? I have an order that as dispatched by Royal Mail on the day that the announcement was made.
  22. Wonder how much this will go for https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/255917811445?hash=item3b95e3e6f5:g:ZeMAAOSwHE9jurVN&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAkK4RF7T13ywFyiuxG%2FNs2mHitD6f3MQGC2z7r9wLQ0RW9crZ2FyliqV1b%2BUKZW4msBFe25VMiI5DCcWxoaTSO6tsJRb%2FHVx2KgcylInj7920jCXc24pH60nLgCnKqxpjsPnW9wyoXOfKj9afrcP9CxlF0AEVZZ8q4cBMPhZqBoMfk3A3a2b7PjRq3J0e839i%2Fw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7y-k8WyYQ
  23. Happy Christmas to everyone, may all of you have a safe and enjoyable day
  24. I would love the grey, they were lovely. I would add to the orange and the Ivory and CIE models that I have. I try and stay away from running the same numbers. So if you were to release all 4 variants, as I try to collect them all. @Warbonnet how many of each if you are doing a run would you be looking at? Also would it be a Q2 or Q3 release?
  25. Is it worth trying to use Chrome on the MAC OS to see if it helps with the ads? I am not a Mac user but Safari may also have tools built into it to block ads. I do not venture much into rmweb but it would be worth seeing if Chromes built in add blocker would improve things.
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