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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. That may well come but it's very low on the list of any manufacturer's qualities, right now. I think people would be happy to have a 121 and an A ( and none of that is certain, either), but I do understand the sentiment.
  2. Great work, David! I'd be interested in an A/C chassis, Des. Have held off on buying them for now. Same concerns as Eamonn, would have to be reasonably idiot-proof to mesh with a motor for me.
  3. Oh, yeah! that's way better. They look at lot nicer in that light. I not a fan of super heavy weathering so this is definitely dirtied up enough for my taste. Thought they looked too overdone in the previous photos. Great job there!
  4. Hi Dave, I think we have been speaking to the same little bird but since the news is out, I quite like it considering the lack of an alternative for now. Price to be announced and I understand the black livery is not quite correct and needs a tweak.
  5. Fran's gonna have to be quick then….. http://entertainment.ie/life/Pics-The-worlds-largest-aircraft-is-in-Shannon-right-now/361228.htm A little bit of disinformation on this page where it shows a 201 class being unloaded from an "An-225", although you can clearly see the centered tail, the photos is of the Ruslan and not Mriya
  6. Looked over Kieran's photos of Belturbet for a long time last night. Very nice layout. Well done:tumbsup:
  7. You mean the missing séimhiú as in Córas Iompair Éireann, I presume? If they can't get the "its" right "as Bearla", consonant mutations are not likely to be their forte either
  8. Probably neither them or there servants seen it before it were erected, so its not really they're fault
  9. Captain dazzled and unable to tell bow from dock?
  10. Ah, Kiernan! That's just salt in the wound for those who can't be there. Looks like it'll be great! Thanks for posting. Keep them coming after the show. Some great shots and video from the Wexford show last week.
  11. Said so before, Eamonn. Third kid... outnumbered, Game over!
  12. Super video, Eoin. Next best thing when I can't get there. THANKS! really enjoyed that:-bd
  13. Great responses, John. I have a much clearer understanding of this. Great information on many things I was not even aware of before!
  14. I think it looks well, Rich. I'd stick an IE plug and socket on it and run it behind 077. It'll do the job and fit in just fine
  15. I did not mean to imply that you had to be on DCC. I guess I misspoke. I was just suggesting some detection system linked to whatever retarder assuming it was electromechanical in some way (electromagnet etc.) and not some hairs on a stick
  16. I think that is exactly the problem. The potential energy from the hump is fixed but the wagon rolling distance and speed is variable based on intrinsic rolling quality and the weight which creates greater momentum. I think that is why the prototypical hump yard uses SEVERAL radar detectors for wagon speed to allow differential slowing at several points. I'm not sure what's available in Dcc detection systems, there is track occupancy but not sure if there us a mini-doppler. Maybe combined with a rheostat to the retarder? Just a thought
  17. John, What is it that makes modern track more rigid? Deeper ballasting? And that would have been done as locos became heavier? Presumably modern locos would be more track friendly if the traction motors were sprung?
  18. Very quiet on the site. I'm thinking everyone is here:trains:
  19. Some chat on here that might be useful http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/71804-coal-staithes/
  20. So modern track is more rigid due to stronger rail and deeper ballasting? And modern locos on bogies are more flexible that coupled driving wheels, I guess. So you're saying that there is a lot of wear on the track or the preserved steam loco with modern running?
  21. Ok, Danny, Looking forward to some photos of the progress as you go. Some good points regarding the scale speeds and retarding systems. Good luck! don't forget to post:tumbsup:
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