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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Hi Warbonnet. As a moderator, I presume your post relates to mine. No-one was identified in any way in the public forum regarding a private transaction but I'm guessing there was a private difference of opinion regarding a transaction that started this thread in the first place? If (hypothetically) a member were to repeatedly use the site to advertise models that were not as described etc, I presume the site would not facilitate or condone a continuance of these actions?
  2. That may be the case. However, if some sellers on this site have a business that also include the sale of model railway items, sales on here could well be construed as part of that business. I would hope that everyone on here (both seller and purchaser) would act in a fair and selfless manner. Incidentally, what should one do if a payment has been send to a member on this site and is "complete" through PayPal but no word of whether the items have even been mailed? I'm assuming this member is on vacation of for the last week which would have been a poor time to offer items for sale… waiting patiently here tic-toc, tic-toc
  3. RebelRed, you're not alone. I'm also about to start a layout and have the same concerns and needs as you. The hobby is not cheap. The prudent modeler, while being able to increase the complexity and improve the functional and aesthetic appearance of any layout over time, needs to start on some foundation that can be relied upon, on which to build everything else. Some experienced modelers may no longer recall what is is like to be at the very infancy of a modeling hobby and what seems intuitively basic to most may not be so to some of us. I understand they initial comments on this thread and the fora are a great medium even at this point to help guide us on what we want to incorporate into any layout (I've had to ask several "stupid" questions on here already with great input from the members). David, while I understand there may be no bible per se for all of this, I appreciate your recommendations regarding the initial request.
  4. Wow! Very good information and some very nice old photos. My knowledge grows. Thanks so much!!
  5. Waiting on mine but only subscribed last week. Hope I'm not too late!
  6. Not that deep since I'm trying to build up some rolling stock but I will google D&M
  7. I shall go and look at my baby GM's Thanks!
  8. i'm holding out for something RTR
  9. Very sad! Nice footage for the archive
  10. I also a similar question about NIR 112/113. Are there any difference between these locos other than number/name? They both seem to be current livery , I think (except one is a Ltd Ed. and more expensive) ......... or will I get knuckle-wrapped for not opening a new thread?
  11. Hi everyone, Thanks for your replies. I see it now. Appreciate the history on how this occurred. Anyone know how long the repaint took? i.e. what proportion of their lives was spent in each livery (orange/black) before they got the black/silver of course?
  12. But were there two different versions? CIE 'Original" and then Supertrain? Murphy Models MM0086 (086SA) definitely looks a little richer than MM0088 on (say) the Hattons site(if you can judge anything by these)
  13. Hello, I'm looking at buying an 071 class either MM0088 (CIE original) vs. MM0086 (CIE Supertrain). I cannot determine what the difference is between these liveries with CIE "broken wheel" logos. Maybe Supertrain is a little deeper orange:confused:? My only frame of reference right now is having some baby GMs in "Supertrain" livery 161sa & 182. Can anyone offer an explanation or a little background on this if possible. Thank you, Kevin
  14. Well, he sold them for over €45 each plus that postage bill !
  15. Good advice. Will do. I offered a guy on the site a million dollars for a loco. He declined. Must be the exchange rate! :-))
  16. Will do. Thanks Heirflick. GSr region was home in the old country
  17. Yes, the US GN looks like super train to me!
  18. Thanks, Heirflick. Let me try to research GSR 670 class. Maybe I can make the "N" an "S"!
  19. Hi Warbonnet, That was my impression that this was a GNR (UK) rather than a GNR(I) loco and possibly never ran "here" i.e. there, I'm not in Ireland anymore :-(
  20. Hi Folks, I'm considering using this loco to go run with some Woolies and maybe NCC Jinty. Want to equip it with DCC and got some good advice from another thread on the DCC installs on the Woolie and NCC. Was this loco ever actually used up north or only in Scotland/LNER East Coast Mainline. Only reference I have is Hornby's own website which is not overly informative. If anyone has it, does it run pretty well? I think it have a 5-pole motor and I think the chassis is isolated and DCC-equipable. Thanks, Kevin
  21. Appreciate that! Thanks. It'll be a while. I'm trying to plan twice and cut once.....
  22. You're right, the ones in Portalington only have a small hood in mid-wagon whet the split is
  23. Looked them up and downloaded manual for later reference. Looks good! Ty! Kevin
  24. Thank you very much for the advice and the link! Kevin
  25. Thanks to all three!
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