More train formation guides from hattons. This time freight. Perhaps IRM could do a formation guide in the future for trains like liners, ballasts, cement, weed spray, etc. Or perhaps we could collectively milk the brains of all on here and oracles like @jhb171achill for CIE era and IE/IR trains such as mk2/mk3, mail trains, RPSI formations (eg Galway early morningpax+mail pre1994: 071+Bogie Laminate TPO+Mk1 GSV+mk2d SOx3+mk2drest+mkd2 FO+EGV), and build a sticky thread with visual representation of classic trains. - BOC tank wagons 120419 (Q4FiWu)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Era 7 and Era 8 combined&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJub2VsQGRlcmcuaWUiLCAia2xfY29tcGFueV9pZCI6ICJKR1FlWGgifQ%3D%3D