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Everything posted by Junctionmad

  1. My MERG DCC system cost me 30 quid. ( brand new ) , bit of assembly required and batteries not Included. The main reason we don't see smartphones etc is ( a) no money in it for the likes of NCE, lenz, digitrax etc. and (b) there is no common specification for accessing boosters. ( command stations ) , unless you know of a smartphone that has 2 amp h-bridge FET dcc drivers.
  2. in my house move, my treasured early CIE flying snail , laminated card of bell codes has gone astray. Anyone have a list or even better one for sale ?
  3. are they actually " marker " lights as common understood , or merely a lamp replacement.
  4. the trouble is of course , there are " our " warmongers and " their " warmongers and the warmongers tend to jump back and forth between the two sides, so that leaves the UN in a difficult position. Much simpler if the world was as John Rambo saw it, but sadly its a lot more complex that that .
  5. I believe 21 september is the UN day of peace, where its remembers its military , I believe the Irish army uses that day for that. Memorial Day is solely a US day of remembrance for its own troops. and thats not to take anything anyway from it either
  6. The offical start of the " American summer "
  7. theres a rail crane, in the google photos, I suspect the sleepers might have been a constructors track way
  8. The fault was the procedure adopted by the GCR permanent way staff. I see no issue with who is responsible.
  9. In their last year as a public entity , they sold 8 million of them. It's the apple watch of sandwiches !
  10. Basically GCR, where using T 3 possessions to do everything outside passenger workings and leaving a old class37 with acknowledge dodgy handbrakes , coupled to a pointing downhill unbraked , bogie carriage, on a 1in200 gradient siding , not protected by a trap , with a switched off engine, which results in loss of air pressure, protected by a single wooden scotch , resulted in the loco going for a 2 mile little jaunt while the pw crew were having a mess break. Funny that.
  11. Irish rail , no doubt , looking at its books, clearly has the view that business fares , which require investment in more expensive rolling stock and particularly in the provision of catering , is not a useful business. Undoubtably with the completion of the motorways , most company car driving executives will use that superior network over rail travel. In that regards I agree that such facilities on the railway will never likely return. There is a clear policy that inter urban rail is essentially to be treated like a big dart system, with the emphasis on commuter style trains , short hop " comfort " facilities and minimalist services
  12. There's not much I can add to Noel's post but to say I enjoyed my time with Glenderg enormously and learned a lot about using airbrushes, such that my impending purchase is now a formality.
  13. Oh for gods sake. It's ok to comment on the sandwiches make jokes about cork people but not have a little humour on a RAILWAY subject I seriously confused Ted
  14. I don't see any real carriages, so they couldn't be happy anyway , you can't network when your bum hurts. The guy in the suit is definitely thinking , " where are those nice mk2ds gone " And the women just misses the park royals , I can tell
  15. Thanks guys I appreciate any info on specific CIE rules
  16. or this http://www.amazon.co.uk/MODEL-LOCOMOTIVE-CONSTRUCTION-4MM-SCALE/dp/B001UY6AYK/ref=la_B001HPIMMK_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1431992553&sr=1-9. I treasure my copy
  17. presumably, you have to fill in the front of the firebox etc. I applaud your efforts , if this is one of the first etched brass kits you have done, I find they require a lot of fine work to bring them to conclusion, the " expert" ones look great , but I personally find , it hard to get a good result on complex brass kits.
  18. I'm researching the differences in irish semaphore rules as compared to uk practice. Has anyone a copy they could scan of signalling rules circa 1965-80 , or thereabouts. Thanks
  19. And light sabres , which are way cooler then coffins http://twentytwowords.com/ikea-light-saber-instructions/
  20. It all depends. F you can propel n reverse by buffers only, then the dinghams will be fine.
  21. When I tried quarry dust , it's looked brilliant , when loose and dry , ie before I applied pva glue . After I used pva to glue it down , it went almost coal black and looked wrong.
  22. Since the rail is flat bottom , actually code 75 is too light. Modern flatbottom is heavier and a bigger profile then bull head. So 82 is much closer to scale then 75
  23. The beauty about dinghams is they work with an over sized smiths hook. If you dangle some three links from there, that end ( without the latch ) looks virtually prototypical. The other big issue with kadees is the cost. That put me completely off them Unfortunately all couplers are compromises, but the tension lock , is easily the worst
  24. I have a fret of them , ( they are quite cheap ) The main disadvantage is the coupler is " handed" While that causes little issues on most rolling stock , it does bring up issues with locomotive and run rounds etc. personally I always want the latch on the loco only , to allow for DCC uncoupling , ie the loco can uncouple anywhere . You can in theory couple up with two latches. But then it's electromagnetic layout uncoupling only , since you have to lift two latches. I have been experimenting with the concept of extending the loco latch in length and hence recessing the buffer hook so it never catches the wagon latch. The loco latch then sits under the wagon latch connected to the wagon hook ( if you follow me ) This does mean that in reverse propelling , the loco tends to push on the latch rather then by the buffers, and won't uncouple on the fly ( but then that never happened except in rare fly coupling moves Note that while the dinghams when normally set up , push via the buffers , so buffer lock remains a potential issue , there is some prevention, in the if you install them right, the outer edge of the latch will bear against inner edge of the corresponding hook , and prevent ( in theory) the two buffers from intersecting . Crossovers and short reverse curves are the worst. They do need to be looked at carefully for long bogie stock.( cause they are affixed to the buffer beam and not the bogie like TL couplings) This is an area I'm going to test when I build a bogie container flat or two. I have my concerns . I'm currently just about to build two 00-SF points arranged as a crossover to create the worst case trial track The other one to look at is the sprat and wrinkle coupling. After that you could consider the Alex Jackson bent wire coupling. I had these previously , a long tine ago , brilliant when perfect , but very easy to get out of alignment and fragile
  25. If you have radius under 36", very difficult to do reverse propelling. And then you have so many types depending on era, instantor, screw etc. As a compromise have a look at the Dingham coupler. At least it uses an oversize buffer beam hook the uncoupling dropper can be a rigid three link iron coupler . ( even if it's in the wrong place and both sides hang down. Unlike TL couplings , it's also capable of delayed uncoupling , so realistic shunting is possible
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