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Everything posted by RobertRoche

  1. This week I made a start on RPSI 3173 from a Bachmann BSK donor. I also picked up 6 MIR curtain cement pallet wagons and put them together this afternoon. Another job was to attempt to straighten the chassis on a completed beet wagon which was warped. A dip in some hot water and cooling under weight seems to have removed most of the wobble.
  2. Looks good Noel, do you have a Bill Bedford handrail bending jig? Handy for these jobs.
  3. Looking forward to seeing the different liveries on the site!
  4. There is a screw to regulate the flow. As it is so heavy it does a good job. I'd get the Dapol one just to repaint it into an Irish livery but I have heard that it only does a so-so job.
  5. Really informative, everyone!
  6. Thanks, I had seen them on the Mark 2s at Whitehead also, just interested!
  7. Does anyone know what the red star seen on railway stock mean? (Just finished applying over 200 decals to 4 autoballasters...) Thanks!
  8. Thanks Leslie, they are a great little model.
  9. Are you still considering offering the liner wagons without containers - a few rakes would be great.
  10. Thank you, it's still sitting there, waiting to be finished.
  11. Thanks JHB, it's a Bachmann Fairburn, which is a good approximation for now.
  12. I think No. 4 looks well in grey.
  13. Nice job, I think the textured finish on the cement wagons is what really makes these models look good
  14. HI George and Dave, Thanks for your help. I am only removing the grab rails off the front of 7071 o just need to do a bit of touching up. @WRENNEIRE if you are at the Raheny show I would be interested in spares for MM locos, mayber even an all grey body too!
  15. You can solder both sides as long as you don't get a blob of solder interfering with the wheels of a train as it crosses the join. It will probably be a stronger joint too.
  16. Thank you!
  17. Would anyone be able to advise on an appropriate paint colour match for the Murphy Models 071 battleship grey? Also the yellow for the front panel please?
  18. Looking forward to replacing my half baked attempt at these.
  19. As seen in Wellingtonbridge, I presume the Accurascale offering is close enough or the same as what is seen in Ireland.
  20. Something a bit unusual for my workbench - a BR Class 24 for light weathering. Might need a touch more.
  21. Testing the ballast wagons tonight at South Dublin MRC.
  22. The way I do it, I usually apply with water and or Microset on a gloss surface. Wait to dry completely and apply Microsol to embed the decal in any details. Then leave for probably a day before sealing with varnish.
  23. Start of a possession to spread some freshly laid ballast on the bench test track.
  24. Thanks everyone for the replies, I've had the Elite for a long time now and there are definitely superior systems out there.
  25. I tried the loco on the NCE Powercab tonight and it ran fine. I have the Hornby Elite at home so I will try it on that again at the weekend. It had run fine on the Elite previously. I have read of this issue with the Loksound chip but not sure why it may have occurred now. Powercab might be on the list next!
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