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Everything posted by RobertRoche

  1. Home Printed Decals I print a lot of decals at home. I use Microsoft Word and AutoCAD to reproduce the art. The decals are printed on Mr Decal Paper (sourced on eBay) using a home inkjet printer set to the highest resolution. Most decals print well, but some are just too small to print on most home machines. Once the ink has dried, I give the decals several coats of spray varnish. It is important to give enough coverage so that the decals won't run when exposed to water. Once ready, any of the usual methods and products for applying decals can be used.
  2. I am trying to decipher what the white and yellow notice on the side of these beet wagons says. Each wagon seemed to have a number on the other end in the form of 'BT 9' etc. The decals on the model will be quite small, and there are a few other issues with my model that I have noticed, including the omission of the end doors to name one. The models are primed for painting now. I may revise the 3D model for a future rake.
  3. A sheet of decals would be possible if there were some slightly better pictures available, I haven't looked too hard and a quick search didn't bring much up.
  4. Is anyone able to save these? https://www.ebay.ie/itm/IRISH-RAILWAY-MODELS-IRM-1013-BULK-CEMENT-WAGON-amp-BRAKE-VAN-OO-GAUGE-/224068987374?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276
  5. Another Galway MK2 generator going for big money....if anyone wants one I have a spare https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Murphys-Models-MM5601-MK2-Generator-Car/283921868110?hash=item421b0fe54e:g:pJ8AAOSwVSte7zRl Also a grey 071 and blue 071....the usual prices - https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Murphy-Models-MM7078-GM-071-Class-078-Irish-Rail-Trains-Grey-OO-Gauge-Used/203028161746?hash=item2f456be4d2:g:jOwAAOSwHkRe78tr https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Murphy-Models-MM0112-Class-111-NIR-Blue-112-Diesel-Locomotive-OO-Gauge-Used/203027994517?hash=item2f45695795:g:3JQAAOSwwx9e76ZG
  6. Hi Noel, Have you tried this method? I'm not sure that it would work with the primer (and I haven't watched the whole video).
  7. Some RPSI cravens for sale at the moment: https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Limited-Edition-3-x-RPSI-Craven-carriages-in-GNR-I-blue-and-cream-as-preserved/383584485524?hash=item594f6ac094:g:7TYAAOSwy-le18Ta
  8. Looks great, a favourite of mine also.
  9. Some videos of a derailment on 19 May 2020 in the US
  10. Electrical connections now complete, and all point motors working off DCC.
  11. Many of the listing on this site appear to be lifted directly off eBay pages from other sellers. Example: this listing title is slightly different, but many are the exact wording - note how it states free postage in the US - https://por.slevin-music.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_2_3_12_48&products_id=28503 https://www.ebay.ie/itm/ALASKA-RAILROAD-BALDWIN-VO-1000-LOCOMOTIVE-W-DCC-LOKSOUND-FREE-SHIP-IN-U-S/233174438999?hash=item364a479457:g:Y1AAAOSwawpXveFH
  12. Over one week I put together a 4 foot long test board - mainly to be used for testing DCC equipped stock; it is also divided into electrical blocks to test detection and automated running in the future. I used scenery materials that I have had for over 10 years, and would probably not use on a 'real' layout. I also produced and applied decals to a HGV.
  13. Excellent, I should do the same, as I want one, just not that colour.
  14. That work is so clean, quite inspirational.
  15. That must be it! Thanks, she won't be impressed
  16. I got a postcard from my other half this morning. Can anyone find the reference image she used?
  17. Some inspiration for your build: https://youtu.be/5Rcm6zckN70
  18. Did you order the kit or pre-assembled? The kit took me 10.5 hours but it was worth it.
  19. https://www.pressreader.com/ireland/wexford-people/20191105/282175062924091
  20. An OO scale container printed in PLA, needs clean up: Some O scale details: If you want to print larger functional prints this was printed in PETG:
  21. I am happy with the Prusa MK3S.
  22. Saw 4/5 satellites, a meteor and a 747 just now I had apparently seen 1 off satellites before, but the location, trajectory and distance between 2 or more made it seem like a single satellite. They are quite faint also.
  23. I've been looking up for the last year and have not seen them yet.
  24. Dave over at https://www.modelrailbaseboards.com/ is doing servicing.
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