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Everything posted by RobertRoche

  1. Great detailing on the viaduct, nice layout you have coming together.
  2. I don't think it's the footbridge yet. Some early stuff would be nice to see.
  3. I've had this problem before and I freed the point motors (hornby) by applying a few drops of water/ diluted IPA to the moving parts of the motors. It took a few goes but they all started working once all of the glue had been washed out of them.
  4. @leslie10646 is the man behind Provincial Wagons, he will help you out and is active here. His website does not appear to be working at the moment.
  5. They look great, very nicely weathered.
  6. It's the same cable that comes with many consumer multi function printers. It is a USB cable with an 'A' end and a 'B' end. Here's a link: https://ie.rs-online.com/web/p/usb-cables/1828864/
  7. The O Gauge Guild video and write up is available at: https://www.gaugeoguild.com/virtualnov21/doku.php?id=layouts:litsid
  8. Not to worry, Irish Railway Models will be producing the footbridge - IRM will provide all the updates on it! My personal view of this is that it would be difficult for IRM to take on a third party design unless it is of something quite simple. My footbridge design is relatively simple in comparison to a locomotive or wagon. I did a lot of work on the 3D model of the footbridge but there is probably a lot more work involved in getting it through the manufacturing stage. I would love to model a loco or wagon and then have it produced by IRM, however IRM have high standards to uphold. IRM have told the stories of the products that they have released so far and it is obvious that accuracy to the prototype is extremely important to them. I've done some work on a loco, but unless I had access to the prototype, I imagine that the CAD model would not be accurate to the real thing. I think that IRM do rely heavily on the modelers that are out there for reference, background etc. It would be more difficult for them to find a railway modeler who can create a CAD design to a high standard, of an item that will be popular. There are railway related items that would be quite simple to model - it is a case of the right model, at the right time and the level of detail required for that model. That is how I think it works.
  9. WMRC will be exhibiting our 'Little Siddington' O gauge layout virtually at the Gauge O Guild's Model Rail Show on the 6th November 2021. This free show takes place from 09:30 to 17:00 on the 6th November, with the recordings available until the 30th November. There will be live Q&A's, chances to meet the exhibitors and 15+ layouts on display for the event. More details on the Gauge O Guild website. We have prepared a short 10-minute video of the layout including narration from some of our members which describes the layout, construction methods and the rolling stock. We will make the video available after the Gauge O Guild show. @DJ DangerousHere's your photoshop.
  10. WMRC will be exhibiting our 'Little Siddington' O gauge layout virtually at the Gauge O Guild's Model Rail Show on the 6th November 2021. This free show takes place from 09:30 to 17:00 on the 6th November, with the recordings available until the 30th November. There will be live Q&A's, chances to meet the exhibitors and 15+ layouts on display for the event. More details on the Gauge O Guild website. We have prepared a short 10-minute video of the layout including narration from some of our members which describes the layout, construction methods and the rolling stock. We will make the video available after the Gauge O Guild show.
  11. Thank you too all the visitors and traders that attended the WMRC Open Day today. We had a very good turnout and it was good to see familiar faces again. I came away with a shiny box from the IRM stand too!
  12. I've been away from the workbench all summer, but Connolly Shed will be on display at the Wexford MRC Open Day tomorrow. It's got a new blurb attached. Hope to see some of you there!
  13. Update from WMRC Preparations are well underway for the WMRC Open Day this Sunday. We hope to see lots of you there for this first post-covid model railway show. In line with public health measures that will come into effect this Friday, COVID Certs/proof of vaccination will be checked at the door, face masks must be worn indoors including in the main hall and social distancing should be observed. There will be ample room for social distancing in the hall. The hall opens at 11am on Sunday. Donations will be accepted at the door for WMRC building extension and club funds.
  14. Leave them in the water for longer as Eoin has said, I find that some of the transfers might need a minute or two in the water before they start to move. If you leave them too long they might come off in the water, but you can experiment with that.
  15. Pricey coaches: https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Bachmann-Murphy-Models-34-251Z-34-226Z-34-226Y-CIE-Flying-Snail-Green-Coach-x-3-/144055216360?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276
  16. Thanks, this is the Bachmann class 150. The only alteration that I made was to remove the driver's door on one side, remove the exhaust and remove some of the roof ridges towards either end. I started with black and masked off the lining using 0.5mm tape. I then applied the white, blue, green and yellow ends in that order. Overall I am satisfied with how it came out but there are a significant amount of paint errors to correct.
  17. Currently on the workbench is this paint job which required plenty of masking. There are some areas that have suffered from overspray and poor finish before I hand paint some details and add decals. The lighting circuits will also require some work to get the appropriate headlights.
  18. A big thank you to IRM for taking on this project, and thanks to everyone for the support and interest. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product, it will be worth the wait!
  19. Some IR/IE 071s on eBay at the moment: https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Murphy-Models-Class-071-number-080-orange-and-black-tippex-with-small-IR-logo-/124712522011?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276 https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Murphy-Models-Class-071-number-078-orange-and-black-tippex-with-small-IE-logo-/124712515053?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276
  20. Hi everyone, thanks, I am still working on the trackplan taking a lot of these suggestions into consideration. As an aside to that I built this Gaugemaster kit for the cabin on the station. There is some interior detailing and lighting.
  21. Excellent result, lovely model!
  22. They take PayPal according to the contact us page.
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