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Everything posted by RobertRoche

  1. Does anyone know if these trains are operating or if the recent rain has affected them?
  2. I asked that question before and got the following answer:
  3. Class 181 aerials I saw a post elsewhere of someone looking for aerials for the 181 class. It seems that only some locos were fitted with these aerials, and though they come in the box with the Murphy Model offering, they are often lost as they are so small - only about 3.5mm long. It was not the 3D printing project that I had in mind after my last post, but a few iterations gave a resonable result. They pass well within the 2 foot rule - even up close they are pretty similar, apart from the colour. 4 rivets included, for those counting. If anyone is in dire need of replacements, let me know - lol.
  4. Recently got a package via DHL over the €150 and no issues. Delivered in 3-4 days.
  5. These reaprays might or might not suit depending what you are looking for.
  6. One method would be to install microswitches under the point, either operated by the throwbar or by some part of the point motor. The switches would be on-off and could be used to switch a sepperate 12V power supply to LED lamps. Make your own mounts or buy them if you can find ones to fit your motors - example here: https://www.ebay.ie/itm/233325153647
  7. Looks, runs and sounds great!
  8. I got rid of my Hornby Elite, it gave weird problems such as this and was not particularly user friendly.
  9. Look excellent, really coming together.
  10. Good guess I'd say. Some sort of railcar would make sense, either modern or back to the AEC's etc. I wouldn't rule out some PW equipment though... I'm doubtful about seeing the footbridge yet but we can hope!
  11. Inspection car, or Howth tram
  12. Just a reminder of our upcoming show in Wexford on Sunday the 9th October, with the confirmed opening times of 11:00 - 17:00.
  13. Thanks @Broithe That better be chocolate
  14. Thank you all for the kind comments. I am happy with the result, though there is a lot of cracking in the paint which is visible up close. I may move onto a 3D printed project next, though I suspect that we'll see a RTR version of this model at some point.
  15. Class 2700 I took time over the last two weekends to complete this build. Most of the first weekend was devoted to altering the lighting to circuits to show 2 whites headlights rather than the 'daylight' lighting configuration of the donor model. The alteration only required 2 new LEDs to be installed, however the project used about 10 SMD LEDs as two of the original red LEDs blew during testing and I lost several of the new white SMD LEDs in the process. Most of last weekend was spent with finishing cosmetic touches including 3D printing the front valence and false couplers for each end of the unit.
  16. @Brian Collins Enterprises has announced some Garda vehicles in 1/76 recently.
  17. @Georgeconna this video might be of interest to you
  18. A big thank you to all our visitors, exhibitors, traders, Station Café crew and members who helped to make a great Wexford show this Easter weekend. People travelled from all corners of the country and it was great to see both old and new faces! Here are some pictures from the show.
  19. Yes, Brian Collins and Marks Models had them today
  20. Rule 1 of model railways! Also Eamonn and Enda did a fantastic job at renovating the layout, since they have no American stock their Irish stock will make an appearance! We're looking forward to a good show over the next few days, and we hope many of you will join us to enjoy the model railways this weekend
  21. There are still a few slots available.
  22. At the moment we have 19 model railway layouts confirmed, 8 model railway traders and 7 other stands including our Station Café which will be located in the adjacent hall serving teas/coffees, savouries, snacks and home-made cakes with only donations requested.
  23. Advance notice for anyone travelling by train to the Wexford Show - it appears that there will be engineering works on the Dublin - Wexford line that weekend. The below tweet from Irish Rail says that it will be a bus transfer from Connolly to Greystones. I imagine this will be for both Sunday and Monday.
  24. 3D printing is useful for producing models in low volumes I think. I have my 10 beet wagons for the 40 foot flats which came out ok on a filament printer. I think resin really is the way to go for models railways though, see below an example milk tank that I printed in resin (left) and filament (right) - the quality difference is stark (not exactly the same models). I was going to model the rawie buffer stop - and then IRM came out with theirs. Likewise I intended to model the spoil containers, just as IRM made that announcement. I have put off modelling the MK4 DVT as it is a difficult one geometry-wise, but as soon as I get to it IRM will probably come out with a RTR version! I think the scenery items are where 3D printing has some really good potential. My to-do list is long and I'm not doing any modelling at the moment, but the below items show what can be achieved. I'm not sure how these or other parts would print in N scale, but I imagine an N gauge loco would be more than passable if printed with resin. Having a printer at home can be an invaluable asset if you are prepared to take some time to either find models or design them yourself. The 3 triangular brackets at the bottom of the above picture are O gauge telephone pole steps. I modelled these and printed over 150 for use on the WMRC Little Siddington layout, costing cents in comparison to the Dapol telephone pole kits that would otherwise have been required.
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