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Everything posted by RobertRoche

  1. Thanks for the comments, the colour in my picture looks correct on my screen, so yes they are quite red. I think that this is what I will be doing, a coat of flat brown might do it. Thanks, plenty of weathering to do on them! Also need to sort loads.
  2. I picked up 10 double beet wagons from Leslie at Bangor. I really enjoyed putting them together and hope to do more in the future. They are sprayed with Halfords red primer, I am unsure whether I should spray them brown now or just apply lots of weathering.
  3. I picked up this sign today. On the rear in ballpoint it says 'WORKS FOREMAN WELLINGTON BRIDGE' a pretty local station which I may try to replicate in the future. I also share last names with the guy on the sign.
  4. Dave, I've only just put 2 and 2 together! I look forward on getting some tips on point building for Wellingtonbridge! Rob
  5. A very clean looking 082 shunts preserved locomotives out of Connolly Shed in preparation for the Wexford Show this weekend. My diorama as well as others and many great layouts will be making an appearance. Say hi if you come along, I will be operating the American themed 'Bushville' layout built by WMRC over the weekend.
  6. PM sent regarding B141
  7. Looking forward to seeing the layout in Wexford again!
  8. Run a few trains and try some shunting, see what you can do with it, making trains and moving goods. Do you have any room to perhaps run through your fiddle yards into a different section of the layout? This may make it seem as if your train has traveled somewhere. The scenery additions will make the layout come to life. Could we see a picture of the whole layout as it is currently? Don't become disheartened...you've put a lot of effort in and maybe you didn't get your expected result with what you have done so far, but a break from a project will often bring new inspiration, and perhaps give you a different perspective on the operations side of it.
  9. I would be interested also!
  10. Excellent looking spray job!
  11. 'Off the wall' prices for 181's currently from this seller http://www.ebay.ie/itm/BACHMANN-MURPHY-MODELS-OO-GAUGE-MM0187-CLASS-181-034-IE-034-ORANGE-187-LOCO-A6-/361932623821?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276
  12. Hi Noel those last two pictures look absolutely brilliant, well done!
  13. The attention to detail already is brilliant, looking forward to watching this progress!
  14. Oh wow, I like that!
  15. This weathering looks good! I especially like the GSV, but then again I do like orange things
  16. I have a few to respray in the future, this is good to know!
  17. They are not available from shops anymore, they were only a limited run. A few have come on ebay recently but are very expensive. See the thread on the Bachmann IE Autoballasters here: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/20-Bachmann-IE-Autoballasters
  18. The signal cabin looks excellent, a lovely piece of modelling.
  19. Thanks!
  20. Are the Bachmann flat top autoballasters (railtrack etc) the same as the Bachmann Irish models, apart from the obvious fact that they are flat topped?
  21. Very nice detailed work there, looks great!
  22. Painting or applying PVA/varnish to the boards can be a good idea to "seal" the boards from moisture, particularly if you're using MDF which may absorb damp. For plywood it may not be required depending on the environment. Putting down a consistent colour across the board is a good starting point - the colour may depend on the type of scenery that you intend to install. You can always change the colour under different areas - perhaps grey under track and brown/green under scenery.
  23. This is a nice project, I didn't realise that it was approximately OO from the first set of pictures....I'd almost like one myself!
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