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Everything posted by RobertRoche

  1. Quite interesting, thanks!
  2. Did they all go to black roofs eventually or was there a mix in the final days?
  3. I was considering making a rotating layout, I even bought the bearings for it. Is this driven by a motor or by the weight of the train on one side?
  4. You can e-mail him (mrsoundguyuk@gmail.com) or call the number on the website to order.
  5. There is one on ebay at the moment
  6. Can I take the CIE loco? I will send you a message
  7. Thanks for the positive comments, hopefully it turns out well now! As a size comparison here it is beside a 141.
  8. I would be for the weathered finish, as I would probably never weather them myself.
  9. I have done some work on the C Class at last. I have added roof detail, grills and shortened the whole thing by about 1 cm. I added windows in the sides and put some small details on the chassis. Further sanding is required before I add details to the buffer beam, though I managed to misplace my lamp irons! I may put a cab in one end, though it will be difficult to spot. In this state it is almost as if it is going for an overhaul after being outside for many years. The white details on the roof are 3D printed while the black details are scratchbuilt.
  10. The login box doesn't appear for me either, I had to switch back 'IRM Old Style' to get in.
  11. Thanks guys They certainly don't Gerry!
  12. I got some video of 074 leaving Wexford Station with the weedspray train on Saturday morning. Missed it going over the South Wexford Line earlier in the week.
  13. I have used one branded as Susumotor in my Lima 33. It seems to work well, but didn't improve running. The chassis is still shaky and probably no better than a cleaned up pancake. Give it a go, it's pretty easy to do.
  14. I've ordered two of these sets and am looking forward to the cement bubbles also. Well done all involved!
  15. Thanks Tom, it's a great photo in its own right. I got the prints back today, initially they look a bit on the small side, though the overall effect is there. Because of the shape of the roof they were printed in an orientation that resulted in ridges along the top surface. I'll have a go at sanding these out, or perhaps printing differently next time. I don't even have blue tack to test fit so I just plonked them on the model to take a picture. Because of the size, heat retention was also an issue while printing. A bit more work required then. I'll probably introduce some plasticard for some of the other details. I also can't decide if I need to shorten the body again, the model is a bit on the large side.
  16. Thanks for all the comments, they are much appreciated. Luckily I'm not too bad for flooding so no rush on the lifeboat I have completed some simple 3D models for C class roof boxes. My first time really doing 3D anything, though the plan in work this year is to start using 3D modelling for civil projects. I am getting an initial test print done this week, and if I need to tweak the design - roof curvature, height, length etc I can do so. The longest part is 40 mm. I have found many pictures of the C class, but only a few that show decent roof detail. I have been looking at the details on the Silverfox models for inspiration. Not sure what to expect really, here is the model:
  17. Happy new year to you all. Not much happened during the second half of 2015, hopefully I will get the ball rolling again for 2016 Since my last update I have not touched the C Class, still stuck on the roof boxes, which I may attempt again soon. I completed my diorama of Connolly Shed for the Wexford Model Railway Club October exhibition. Since my workspace was in such a mess over the year I cleaned it up and installed a shelf and some lighting - mostly for the fun of it but it is useful. I worked on painting up some 45 foot containers in some description of fantastical Bell container livery. I've also been building the Airfix 1:72 Severn Class lifeboat - which will eventually end up on my layout. It has given me a good introduction to spraying enamels and being patient about it! Hopefully I'll get a bit more time this year to complete my current list and start on some new ones.
  18. Not sure how I missed this build but it is amazing, well done!
  19. Amazing work, really captures the feel of it. I especially like the photographic backscene on the road.
  20. It could have ended up looking like this! Now trying to imagine a steam loco in the new enterprise livery I think we'll stick with green and our flying snails
  21. On eBay with one day left: Murphy Models/Lima Set of 8 Assorted Irish Coaches, http://goo.gl/rcG8IX
  22. Oh wow, lovely paint job! I'll want mine next
  23. Thanks for all the comments everyone. This C class is coming along very slowly, but only a few more small jobs left before I think about painting. The biggest job left to do is sort out the roof tanks - I tried this before but failed miserably. I am thinking of trying a 3D print and seeing how it turns out. Other jobs include detailing, affixing some more brass grills and possibly shortening the body by a further few millimeters - if it is worth the effort. I have done a lot of small jobs on it such as fitting the marker lights and headlights. The buffer beams were straightened and just today I attached some nice whitemetal buffers. I am also working on a method of attaching the loco body to the chassis as it rises up at both ends. In other modelling, I am working on a 2x1 foot diorama of the shed at Connolly Station. The shed itself is made of scrap MDF covered in brick paper. I used plaster to create the hardstanding in front of the shed. The track used is a mix of Hornby, Atlas and some homemade pieces I picked up. There is plenty of work left to do over the summer but it is starting to take shape. All of the track is wired for DCC, allowing lights and sound equipped locos to operate for exhibition purposes.
  24. This website is pretty good http://www.railsigns.uk/overseas/ireland1/ireland1.html
  25. Voted, and was recently considering the pros and cons of having my railway in a shed.
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