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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. That is awesome How's Prinz Eugen getting along? ( If anyone else wants to put up pics of their own warships, go ahead! Will keep the thread interesting while I wait for Hood to arrive!)
  2. Must have been half asleep! I Will delete it
  3. .
  4. True, but one has to remember a hell lot of luck was involved. Hood was only a minute or two from her immunity zone, so Bismarck got EXTREMLY lucky And when the swordfish(accidentally) attacked Hms Sheffield, the torps exploded on intact with the water, due to the new mechanism added,these were taken off, and second wave attacked Bismarck successfully The crew member of the swordfish that got the lucky hit hung out of the plane, to tell the other crew when to drop the torpedo. But Bismarck is really overrated, for her tonnage, she was underpowered, especially compared to the the British and American "treaty battleships", which were restricted to 35,000 tons and 16 inch guns, which had better protection and were more powerful.
  5. hi all, Battle of Hood and Bismarck..
  6. Far enough.. anyway to start the annexation..takeover.. I mean.. er.. some info on the Hood for those who dont already know about her... Hood was designed in 1915 as a battlecruiser(a warship with the speed and armour of a cruiser but the guns of a battleship) The idea for the battlecruiser was that she could kill any other type of cruiser, however due to their big guns they were put in the battleline. After the Battle of Jutland the battlecruier concept was thought of as as flawed and the Hoods design was drastically revised, to a point where she was up to standard with most battleships of the era. She was to have 3 other sisters, Anson Howe and Rodney, but these were cancelled in 1918. When Hood was completed in 1920 she was the largest and most powerful warship afloat, and was known for her clean lines and good looks She was used for many "Show the flag" operations during the 20s and 30s most notable being the 1924 Empire cruise. From 1929 to 31 she recieved her midlife refit, and then was put right back into service. Now Hood was one of the Great war ships. These ships had been designed for a battle at close range, in the North Sea But the range of battles had increased greatly, and these ships were susceptible to "plunging fire" where shells punch through the thin deck armour, directly into the magazines, and then Kaboom..to put it shortly. The British began a rebuilding program in the 30s, but as Hood was the most modern of these ships she was low priority. Her rebuild, which was scheduled for 1941 was prevented by the outbreak of WW2 Hood was one of the busiest ships in the navy, and in 1940 helped destroy the french fleet at Mers el Kebir, to prevent it from falling into German hands.One of the French ships, Strasbourg managed to escape the port, and was chased by Hood, unfortunately Hood stripped a turbine, which reduced her speed. She recieved a refit in 1941 fix her turbines and some of her other problems. The British were extremly worried about the new German battleship Bismarck. Bismarck, if she escaped into the North atlantic would wreak havoc among the convoys the Britain needed so badly in may 1941 they found out Bismarck was preparing for a sortie. Hood and the brand new Battleship Prince of Wales sailed to intercept her. The admiral aboard Hood, Holland was well aware of the problem of plunging fire, and charged Head on, to close the range, so the shells would hit her thickly armoured side, rather than her deck. Charging head on however, meant that she couldnt bring her after guns to bear of Bismarck, giving her the edge. Holland, believing Hood was out of danger turned Hood to bring her broadside to bear, but he misjudged, she could still be hit through the deck. As she was turning, a shell from bismarck plunged through Hood, right into the magazines A few seconds later a massive geezer of flame erupted from Hoods deck, in the vicinity of the main mast followed by an enormous explosion, that tore the Mighty ship apart. The stern disappeared almost immediately, but the bow rose vertically into the air. As the bow went down Hood fired a final defiant salvo from her forward turret, before she slipped into darkness. She was gone in less than 3 minutes. 1415 men were lost, and only three survived
  7. I would hardly call my stock accurate, but I do agree having the proper stock gives a layout that edge. provincial wagons and SSM have brought up the standard a great degree Alas tis not easy being a teenage Irish railway modeller...
  8. Indeed, I went there this summer and it was very interesting, but much of the rolling stock has been neglected, unfortunately nonetheless seeing the 141s A's and C's was great , and better to have them preserved than scrapped We watched a movie, cant remember the name, but there was trains, drink and a hurling team involved.....
  9. Thanks Lads.. my ultimate plan is to convert you all to battleship fans! whether you want to or not.......
  10. Simply stunning, the attention to detail, and the perfection of the whole thing is ridiculously Good
  11. That looks Epic! a proper job, well done.
  12. Hello all! So this is my new workbench, for battleships,aircraft, and any other nonsense that is not fully railway related. Your probably thinking, where the hell have you been,what about your other workbench and why battleships? well to be honest, the forum is not very active anymore, and i lost interest for a while, but I'm back now My other workbench..is on hold for now, while i try to get the electrics of 552 to actually work battleships, because they are my other love, especially British ships My first project, Trumpeter's 1/350 HMS Hood And in typical Harry style,I don't even have it yet, It's in the post...
  13. oh yes..very handsome..
  14. i'm looking forward to this. the result will, without doubt,be jaw dropping..
  15. Tis true. at least Clarkson was funny, even if it was crude. and the way he talks the whole way through the footage of a star in a reasonbly priced car drives me mental! plus he is only quitting cause he didnt like the look of the ratings I could say a lot more about him but Pat might have a heart attack rant over Mike drop Bobs your uncle
  16. Part of the Captain Boycott movie was actually shot very close to where I live... The mansion you see in the movie was actually Ladestown house, which unfortunately fell into dissrepair, and had to be knocked down.. Anyway back to France, terry even admitted it...feckin ref
  17. I always thought that would have made a great specksavers ad...
  18. Surely there would be some kind of agreement with us and Britain, to keep the border open, in the case of a brexit
  19. That's fine, but the Don still wants his moolah....
  20. 800? What! Will it be in CIE green?
  21. According to the website work has begun on the "third project!" And the third project is!.............. ................ ........ ...... .. .... .......I have absolutely no idea whatsoever.....
  22. Happy Birthday Steven! By any chance does it rhyme with smurty smive?
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