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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. Definitely a roundel on it.. Inside the crappy circle I drew..
  2. Exterior shots are already up there John! Are ye standing on yer head again? Actually can anyone else see a very faded roundel on the "mini container"?
  3. Doesn't make much sense though...
  4. The strapping certainly matches up...
  5. Ok lads, here they are... The first one I'm not very sure about, it seems to be half a van.. The interior.. Now, the second van is far more interesting, and harder to get to, but I'll have a rant about that later.. The faded roundel.. The interior.. And some other stuff.. Twas like Mission impossible trying to get to them..
  6. Right John, will do..but they are nothing particularly special, as the are just vans. There is another van by the brosna too, in a bad state though.. Edit: isn't there a coach body on a farm near Dundalk? I'm sure I saw one there a while ago..
  7. My uncle has a few auld vans on the farm if anyone is interested..
  8. With the J26 waiting for parts, not much more can be done on her, for now. So time to take a break from it and move on to another project, here an A class, is looking rather sorry for herself, awaits it's fate in the depths of the works.. Enough of that nonsense, she is in a serious need for a revamp. The first job was to strip the paint from her, so she was put in a sink of hot, soapy water.. Who's that handsome, witty young man in the reflection? After her bath.. Next to 552.. She still needs a good bit of cleaning up, I will do it tommorow
  9. Richie, I had already checked both transport of delight and Mike Morants collections, but nore they, or Ernie Brack, could solve the great problem... There is one photo.. (Copyright Walter Mc Grath) It looks like there is no step, but the poor quality of the photo makes it hard to tell...I'll leave it for you lot to judge.
  10. Hello all, 552 had a high coping on her bunker, it seems CIE put a step on the bunker sides,to make it easier to access. My question, was the step on both sides? It was definitely on the left, but I can only find one picture of the right side, and it isn't very clear. It would have made sense to have had it on both sides, but it's CIE.. Thanks in advance
  11. They look fantastic. Brilliant work
  12. I think that was GS&WR green, that CIE applied, in 1955.
  13. Nasty..
  14. I think everyone who survived the ICRs should be given the card for a good psychiatrist .
  15. Absolutely Epic. The attention to detail is fantastic
  16. Maybe if your talking about the SG3 class! They were absolute powerhouses!
  17. +1. He really captured the (often overlooked) elegant look if the SG class.
  18. John, wasn't 184 put in CIE green sometime during the 80s? Well done Rich, electrics is not my forte, but clearly you know your stuff. How is the woolie getting on?
  19. Aye, but someone might know who the person who made it is etc Something like that could surely assist a CAD for a possible very far in the future model...anything is possible..
  20. So, nobody knows where it came from? It's an excellent 3D model anyway...seems like it's for a train simulator...
  21. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bachmann-Murphy-Models-B141-Irish-Locomotive-and-3-RSPI-Mk2-OO-Gauge-Used-Boxed-/201543570758?hash=item2eeceed546:g:fTUAAOSwUuFWxPHE
  22. John,even a 29000(the horror) won't set it right. The only way to do it is to crop your images! I guarantee it will work. I will send money to you for a pint if it doesn't
  23. You over threatened it didn't you?
  24. Ahh..I just pointed a shotgun at it.
  25. All the right way up? Did you figure out the secret John?
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