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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. The problem with mine was that the pony truck keeps derailing. Very annoying.
  2. No, actually they were the more modern Hornby ones.
  3. When I bought a patriot and a Scot(to convert) I found both had problems with gears not meshing properly, and poor pulling power
  4. Recently finished the smokebox door on 402. Thanks to Des for supplying the handles:) Anyone willing to give up a King Arthur chassis for it?
  5. It was flown in to Craggy island by an Antov-an 124, I believe
  6. "Add new event" is on the top right of the calendar Kev. As for the "does" part...ehh...
  7. So what..a bunch of Celtic doodles on the sides? Ah jahsus..
  8. The dark green doesn't look to unlike the CIE dark green on (some) steam locomotives
  9. Well you are the expert on baby poo swirls..you wouldn't even have to get the airbrush out..
  10. Well the coaches are blue...suggesting she something on the loco will be blue.
  11. Maybe they are doing what they did with the enterprise? Couple of runs first, and then finish the paint job?
  12. Although it's a nice livery..it will never catch on, and it will weather terribly....
  13. Built to a Glenderg standard of perfection. Take a bow sir, I can't wait to see the finished product
  14. Great, I would love to talk trains with you, and how you build them!
  15. Well scale puddles are the pinnacle of railway modelling, so so you and Mr G can take a bow. Hope to be at Cultra in November myself!
  16. +1. Pempoule might be good, but does it have scale puddles?
  17. Bullied actually went over to Italy,and applied many of their ideas to the modified K3
  18. A weirdly beautiful machine..she is among my list of " should have been preserved "
  19. That's them alright..they look so weird
  20. What does the rolling stock look like? Looks more MGWR than anything else
  21. Actually looking at pictures, they do seem to be close together. Unusual of the GNR, who usually made sure their locos looked in proportion
  22. Is it just me, or do the boiler bands seem very close?
  23. Wonder if they will apply it to the U?
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