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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. All three were given an extra hand railing above the original one, Meadbh and Macha got them in about 1944-5 With the smokebox dart. Tailte was fitted about 1949 with the smokebox handle, and maebh and macha were given handles also. For the 1949 centenary they were given extra railings to hold them up, but macha and Tailte retained them, until they were scrapped, Meabh's disappeared, or might have never even been fitted.
  2. To be a stickler for accuracy ( me? ) there should either be an extra hand railing on the somokebox door, or a smokebox dart with a single hand railing
  3. Thanks for the advice John, I believe you have another, with the more modern chassis. How is that going?
  4. You want to load the boxes from the front AND the back? In that ?( little berlingo ) heh, come here till I show you the back!
  5. For any if ye wondering how much £25 pound for the 6 coupled and £30 for an 8 coupled Very reasonable indeed
  6. Thanks Kirley. It's looking great so far!
  7. Couldn't they just store some stuff at Cork? The engine shed is barely used any more Or Mullingar...hmm
  8. I see it now, must just have been a glitch or something. I am thinking of getting the Poppies wood tech one myself, as it would be ideal for myself as well What kit is in it?
  9. I can't see the picture. Is it just me?
  10. Any progress on this Horse?
  11. That's an absolute disgrace, brilliant,historic and wonderful coaches,destroyed by wastes of oxygen. Is the remaining one still in maroon or in the RPSI livery?
  12. And Miriam for President, Genuinly!
  13. Managed to get the mainframes together this morning, after a cup of tea of course!
  14. Well done Tommy, the 121 looks great. I think Des does some 121 transfers
  15. I suppose if a few of your beloved Achill Bogies were to be featured the club would receive a handsome donation with a few drops of Guinness and drool on it?..
  16. Got it Pat:tumbsup: Verboten? Trying out some German Herr Conboy?
  17. I know mate:tumbsup: Might use the old frames for a turntable or something, like what the CDR did
  18. And no Richie, I'm not going to glue my hands together!
  19. And now on TV3 tonight with Vincent Browne , WITHOUT Vincent browne. Instead it's Ivan Yeats...Ill stop now..
  20. I wasn't interrupting you Vincent!.. I mean John! Well eh fianna fai...(papers fall on the ground)(tries to get papers with foot, fails miserably)
  21. SSM j26 class Managed to get this yoke started last night, with soldering the bearings onto the frames The kit comes with the original brass frames, and the more modern nickel silver one. The more modern one is recommended. The original one is designed for compensated frames. Bits and bobs
  22. I'm talking to you, in the soft voice, to indicate the seriousness of my speech. I promise to get 40 new different Irish locomotive classes onto the shelf within 2 years. Boom boom! The three amigos as Gerry said!
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